Page 8 - 2017-Issue4
P. 8
Record Attendance at the AAP
Committee Meeting in Japan
DG Committee Meeting
Oct. 2 - 4, 2017 - Bangkok
AGE Committee Meeting
Oct. 10 - 12, 2017 - Hong Kong
ASIA/PAC Regional Meeting
Oct. 17 - 19, 2017 - Jakarta
ATS Committee Meeting
Oct. 24 - 26 - Singapore
HUPER Committee Meeting
Nov. 8 - 10, 2017 - Montreal
The 2017 IFALPA Accident Analysis & Prevention (AAP) Committee meeting SEC Committee Meeting
was held in Tokyo, Japan, from the 13 to the 15 of September, under the Nov. 12 - 14, 2017 - Abu Dhabi
Chairmanship of Captain Ariel Shocron from SEPLA. The event was hosted
by ALPA Japan and had the great honour to be opened by Dr Kazuhiro PGA Committee Meeting
Nakahashi, Chairman of the Japanese Transport Safety Board. It was attended Nov. 14 & 15, 2017 - Istanbul
by 81 delegates representing 26 IFALPA Member Associations, 4 aircraft
manufacturers and the Japanese ATC, making it an all-time attendance record CAR/SAM Regional Meeting
for any Committee meeting since the foundation of the Federation in 1948, Nov. 28 - 30, 2017 - Veracruz
and showing growing interest in AAP-related activities. This high level of
participation was also very rewarding for ALPA Japan and its President, LEG Committee Meeting
Captain Hiroaki Tateno, who had been preparing the event and the social Dec. 4 & 5, 2017 - Madrid
progamme for over a year, committing a lot of time and financial resources to
ensure its success.
Discussions focused primarily on recorders and data protection, and in 2012-2016” and the Flight Safety Foundation’s
particular the extensive work carried out by IFALPA’s representatives over the study on Go-Around, whose current
past 12 months to make certain that the new ICAO provisions on Airborne conclusions could be misleading. Finally, the
Image Recorders are acceptable to the global pilot community. The Committee Committee noted with satisfaction the ongoing
also entertained a presentation from Airbus on Deployable Flight Data success of the IFALPA accreditation scheme
Recorders and examined the potential of this new technology as an alternative for Accident Investigators. There are now 213
for the live streaming of data to which the Federation is strongly opposed. IFALPA investigators across 47 Member
Other subjects on the agenda included the work of the Safety Management Associations, who are ready to assist fellow
Panel on Annex 19, the review of Regional activities related to accident IFALPA pilots whenever the need arises.
investigation, and technical discussions on specific airplane and helicopter The 2018 AAP Committee meeting is being
occurrences that the Committee had identified for further study. tentatively planned in Sydney, at the kind
The Committee also undertook to provide IFALPA’s comments on two new invitation of AusALPA, from the 14 to the
publications: IATA’s “Loss of Control Inflight (LoC-I) Analysis report 16 of November.
ISSUE 4 | 2017 InterPilot | The Safety and Technical Journal of IFALPA