Page 13 - 2017-Issue4
P. 13

SMALL DRONES, BIG DAMAGE - Show Collision Testing Report 13

                            Small Drones, Big Damage:

                            Show Collision Testing


                                 10-metre long gas gun shooting drone components into an airliner windscreen.
                                 Sounds scary? It is less scary than a real mid-air collision between a drone and
                                 a plane or a helicopter. With the prospects of this happening in the future,
                                 researchers have geared up to find out exactly how dangerous a collision
                                 between a drone and a passenger jet or helicopter could be. The results of this
                                 state-of-the art laboratory collision testing and modelling show that even a
                                 small drone could do substantial damage.

                               he UK Department for Transport, the Military Aviation   a critical part in the severity of a collision. Exposed metallic
                           TAuthority and the British Pilots’ Association BALPA,   components  of  drones  can cause  significant  damage  to
                            published the results of those tests in July, covering both   aircraft windscreens. This is a particularly important aspect
                            helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. The findings –   for drone manufacturers, who would be able to adapt the
                            summarised in this report – reveal that consumer drones   materials and designs of drones, provided regulatory
                            could “critically damage” helicopter windshields and tail   standards exist.
                            rotors. Particularly vulnerable are non-bird strike certified   While many studies have already tested the impact of
                            helicopter windscreens, typically used for general aviation   bird strikes on aircraft, some drone components – such as
                            aircraft. Such windscreens prove to have a low resistance to   the motors and batteries – are much harder and potentially
                            all the classes of drones tested.            more damaging than ‘fluid’ birds. While comparisons to
                              The test showed that even the smallest drone (0.4 kg)   bird strikes are useful, components of drones do not behave
                            would penetrate through the non-bird strike certified   in the same way as an equivalent of mass bird under similar
                            windscreen at speeds well below the normal helicopter   conditions. In fact, even lighter drones could cause more
                            cruising speed. For a fixed-wing drone (3.5 kilogram), it was   damage than a bird.
                            found that the drone could penetrate a helicopter   This study affirms aviation experts’ presumption that a
                            windscreen of this type even if the helicopter was stationary.  drone strike is not like a bird strike: it can be much more
                              The bird strike certified helicopter windscreen, generally   severe in consequences. And it shows that further testing is
                            more resistant, was not spared. Heavier drones could still   necessary: More scenarios need to be examined, testing
                            penetrate these windscreens at helicopter’s typical cruising   different aircraft components, including aircraft engines,
                            speed. And by using different computer simulations and   and different models of drones. This would help us get a
                            modelling,  researchers  found  that  helicopter  tail  rotors   better understanding of the hazards and advance with the
                            would be vulnerable to impacts with all types of drones.   solutions. And, it would help the European regulator – who
                            Due to the very high speed of a rotating tail rotor blade, it   is busy drafting risk-based, operation centric legislation for
                            could be critically damaged by an impact with any drone.   drone integration in Europe – to actually know the risk that
                              Even  windscreens  of  airliners, which  have  a more   future EU safety rules must be able to mitigate.
                            resistant construction than those of helicopters, are
                            vulnerable to damage. It was found that the airliner
                            windscreens, although substantially damaged, could retain   This article, originally published on the Euro
                            integrity if hit by a drone up to speeds typically flown at   Cockpit Association (ECA) website, has been
                            during the aircraft landing and later stages of the approach.   reprinted with permission from ECA.
                            The research tests showed that the drone construction plays

         InterPilot | The Safety and Technical Journal of IFALPA                                               ISSUE 4 | 2017
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