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Aviation Security Symposium
IFALPA was invited to participate in the first and differences in understanding
ICAO Global Aviation Security Symposium security culture and defining its
(AVSEC2017) in collaboration with Airports common understanding in the
Council International (ACI), from September aviation context.
12 to 14 , 2017 at the ICAO Headquarters in Participants were able to interact
Montreal, Canada. The three-day Symposium with the panalists by using the
serves as a platform to promote the work of conference mobile app to respond to
ICAO, its Member States and stakeholders in seven questions regarding security
the area of aviation security. culture. The Panel then commented
Security culture played a predominant role on the responses of each one of those
in the discussions of this symposium and it questions. There was a wide
was placed high in the agenda during the first consensus on the importance of developing second on the right, Captain Agustin Guzman
day. ICAO intends to promote the implemen- guidance material about security culture and Photo Courtesy of Vanda D’Alonzo
tation of an effective security culture in order how this should be integrated in a wider
to enhance the global aviation system, which, system that could quantify the effectiveness of Participants were given the opportunity to
according to its own perspective, is critical to the implemented measures. The poll also experience an interactive exhibition
achieve sustainable outcomes. IFALPA’s showed that the security system was in need of showcasing the latest State/Government and
Security Committee Chairman, Capt. Agustin better vetting procedures and training, and industry AVSEC technology and process
Guzman, was kindly invited to participate in a improved workforce motivation and training. innovations, along with dynamic learning
panel and exchanged ideas on the importance Risk modelling, cybersecurity, effective workshops that stimulated panel discussions
of security culture in the aviation environment. quality controls were also recurrent topics that on the current challenges that aviation security
The aim was placed on identifying similarities were presented throughout the conference. is facing.
ISSUE 4 | 2017 InterPilot | The Safety and Technical Journal of IFALPA