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               The International Federation
              of Air Line Pilots’ Associations  4   PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE
                                                  Capt. Ron Abel’s message on how   11
           485 rue McGill, Bureau 700,            small things can create big results.
           Montreal, Quebec, H2Y 2H4, Canada
           Tel: +1 514 419 1191
           Fax: +1 514 419 1195               6   IFALPA AT ICAO GLOBAL
           Email: [email protected]               AVIATION SECURITY SYMPOSIUM
           Web:                    Member States and Stakeholders
                                                  discuss security culture.       11  HELICOPTERS TO THE RESCUE
                                                                                       Capt. Jeff Smith on natural disasters
                                              7   IFALPA’S SUCCESSFUL FRMS &
           EXECUTIVE TEAM                                                              and the work of helicopter pilots.
           President: Captain Ron Abel            RUNWAY SAFETY SEMINAR IN        12  SMALL DRONES, BIG DAMAGE:
           Managing Director: Christoph Schewe    JAKARTA                              SHOW COLLISION TESTING
           Communications & Marketing Coordinator:   Highlights of the two-day seminar in
           Anna Lou                               Indonesia.                           REPORT
                                                                                       The European Cockpit Association
                                              8   RECORD ATTENDANCE AT THE             (ECA) explains the consequences of the
           EDITORIAL                              AAP COMMITTEE MEETING
           Editor: Anna Lou, [email protected]   A summary of IFALPA’s successful     impact of drones on aircraft.
           Cover image: Shutterstock
                                                  Accident Analysis & Prevention   12
                                                  Committee Meeting.
           If you wish to advertise in InterPilot, or for   9
           information on advertising, please contact:
           Anna Lou, [email protected]

           InterPilot is a quarterly publication produced   9   QUEBEC SHOWCASES FLYING
           internally from our headquarters in Montreal,   SKILLS
           Canada.                                A review of the Easther Townships
           It is produced for Members and by Members. If   Airshow and Fair.
           you have comments, ideas or suggestions on this
           or any other edition, we encourage you to reach
           out to our Editor by email at [email protected]

           The views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors
           and do not necessarily reflect the views of IFALPA.
           Articles and information contained in this publication are the
           copyright of IFALPA and may not be reproduced in any form   The mission of IFALPA is to promote the highest level of aviation
           without the written permission of the publisher.
                                                        safety worldwide and to be the global advocate of the piloting
                                                       profession; providing representation, services and support to
                                                              both our members and the aviation industry.


         InterPilot | The Safety and Technical Journal of IFALPA                                               ISSUE 4 | 2017
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