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                                                 A program for airline employees.

                         We match your family with an airline family abroad so your teen can travel in the summer.

              This program connects teens ages 14 to 19 with a similar-aged teen from an airline family abroad. The teen uses his or
              her family’s flight privileges to travel. They spend two weeks together in each of their homes, for a total of four weeks.
             During the exchange, your son or daughter has the opportunity to explore another country, learn about another culture
                               and improve his or her foreign language skills from someone their same age.

             We have matched more than 6,000 teens since 1994 from a wide range of countries, including Canada, USA, Austria,
                Australia, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Australia (limited exchanges), Portugal, Spain and Switzerland.

                   HOW IT WORKS                        TESTIMONIAL                             COST

                  Apply at        JENNA - AGE 16, UNITED STATES          The cost of the program is
              View profiles of applicants online.   “   I am so grateful for the time   $300 USD for the application fee.
                                                Mélodie and I spent together. When     The application fee is 100%
             Select your top choices for a match.  I first signed up for this program,   refundable if a suitable match
              When you and another family are     I had no idea that I was going to        family is not found.
             interested in being matched, we will   meet one of the best friends I will
             send you their contact information.   ever have! We instantly clicked!   The application fee covers finding
                                                 Leaving her was the hardest thing   a match. Participants are responsible
            You get to know your matched family   to do. I learned so much — not only   for travel expenses and the cost of
              while planning for your exchange.  about French culture, but about the     activities while abroad.
                                                   importance of love and family.
              We are available to help answer    From camping on the French coast
              questions throughout the whole     to strolling through the streets of
                process to ensure the best             NYC, I had a blast.   
                 experience for your teen.             Thank you so much IYE!   ”

                                                    International Youth Exchange Program, LLC

         ISSUE 4 | 2017                                                         InterPilot | The Safety and Technical Journal of IFALPA
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