Page 7 - InterPilot 2019 Issue 4
P. 7
“The engine is the heart
of an airplane, but the
pilot is its soul.”
Another place we’re seeking balance is in the representation of female pilots in the air line piloting
profession. Female pilots still make up fewer than 5% of the world’s commercial pilots. We’re work-
ing on initiatives at IFALPA to address this glaring imbalance.
The Female Pilots’ Working Group, freshly established at our 74th Conference in Berlin, met in Vi-
enna in October to establish itself as an empowering representation of professional female pilots.
With 40 female pilots representing 20 countries in attendance, we’re moving in the right direction.
The push toward gender-neutral language in all communications, publications, manuals, and ma-
terials is another recent initiative. We hope to actively contribute to a culture where female pilots
have as much of a seat at the table as their male counterparts. IFALPA intends to support all moves
toward gender parity in the piloting profession moving forward.
We’re also looking to find balance in our Regional Representation. As you know, the federation
splits its representation into 5 global regions; AFI/MID, ASIA/PAC, CAR/NAM, EUR, and SAM.
Just like ICAO’s regional offices, your EVP Region, together with all the Regional Vice Presidents
(RVPs), is your “regional office”. Only one region (Europe) has their own office and professional
staff. We are investigating possibilities to balance responsibility, activities, and participation from all
five of the regions.
We began this process by hosting the first IFALPA EVP/RVP Workshop in Montreal last summer
and we will continue to develop the concept of more regional influence and responsibility. A drive
towards maximizing the participating of all Elected Officers, particularly our RVPs, is underway in
earnest. Our Regional Meetings are also becoming more interactive and participatory and feedback
has been overwhelmingly positive.
IFALPA’s greatest strength lies in the efforts from our Volunteers and Elected Officers. We deliber-
ately operate with a small secretariat staff in order to keep your Membership fees as low as pos-
sible. Our work is balanced between that of a skilled staff and exceptional volunteers.
The influence of individuals from our Members Associations, and their contributions of time, exper-
tise, and experience is what keeps IFALPA relevant. IFALPA’s Committee work has a direct, measur-
able impact on aviation worldwide and that is the core of our mission.
Only by influencing international decision making are we able to maintain the highest safety stan-
dards, balanced with the highest standards of industrial representation, and meet our shared goals
of truly being the Global Voice of Pilots. Ask your Member Association how you can get involved in
IFALPA work; and help us strike that balance.