Page 45 - InterPilot 2019 Issue 4
P. 45


 A quarterly recap of the Federation’s activities at
 the International Civil Aviation Organization

        IFALPA Senior Technical & Regional Officer

                  Note: The 40th ICAO General Assembly was held during the period of this report and is
                  covered in the article by Captain Mike Jackson on Page 36.

                  ICAO AIRBORNE SURVEILLANCE                  ICAO DGP-27
                  WORKING GROUP (AIRB/WG) /7                  The ICAO Dangerous Goods Panel (DGP)
                  There were two key issues dealt with at this  met 9-20 September and reviewed about
                  meeting, CDTI Assisted Visual Separation    fifty-five papers. IFALPA worked to amend
                  (CAVS) and Interval Management (IM). The    Annex 18 and the Technical Instructions
                  details and suggested procedures for CAVS  (which effectively comprise the interna-
                  are in the Manual and this is currently only   tional regulations for dangerous goods
                  used in the United States. For this to be   transport) so they will not inhibit any
                  implemented globally, consideration would  pilot’s right to jumpseat in any all-cargo
                  have to be given to changing the global     aircraft. Devices that log cargo tempera-
                  criteria reflected in the Annexes and PANS   ture, humidity, and other parameters dur-
                  documents. In that case, the procedure will  ing transport, as well as those that transmit
                  need to be inserted into the PANS OPS via   cargo location, are becoming common in
                  the FLTOPSP. Until that time, it was agreed   transport, and we worked to ensure those
                  that it should remain in the Manual with a   operated by lithium batteries are used
                  note that it is only used in the USA.       safely in transport.

                  Following previous meetings there was an-   The DGP also agreed to allow very small
                  other action for Interval Management (IM)   shipments of urgently needed medical
                  requirements to be drafted for both the     batteries on passenger aircraft under very
                  PANS-ATM (Doc 4444) and the PANS OPS        narrow conditions. IFALPA did not oppose
                  (Doc 8168). There was a paper outlining     the proposal because there were sufficient
                  what needed to be covered in both docu-     risk mitigations, but stated that the DGP
                  ments. As with CAVS, it seemed premature    should be regulating on the basis of risk
                  and incomplete.  There would be trials in   to the aircraft and not end use. There was
                  the US using this for spacing and training   also a late paper proposing to eliminate
                  for both crew and controllers was under-    the paper NOTOC requirement, but we
                  way. Once the trials were complete this will  were able to delay consideration for the
                  be addressed again in the AIRB WG.          year while IFALPA and IATA try to develop
                                                              the best format of the document for pilots
                                                              and first responders.
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