Page 47 - InterPilot 2019 Issue 4
P. 47
Examples of climate resilient airports will
be added to the ICAO website. IFALPA
cooperates to provide documentation on
operational measures to reduce noise,
for instance, on efficient taxi procedures,
CDM, continuous climb and descent op-
erations, (idle) reverse thrust and reduced
flap landings.
ATM inefficiency must be identified for
proper future GANP implementation.
Strangely enough, this is not yet done on
a global scale. ICAO CAEP will use ground-
and space-based ADS-B data to provide
insight in the horizontal and vertical
inefficiencies of aircraft routing. The next
Steering Group meeting (December 2019,
Johannesburg) will address CORSIA, PM
certification, and supersonic transport.
This was a very productive meeting dis-
cussing global data link communications
implementation, baseline 2, GOLD, Sat-
Voice, and related topics. The discussions
on the GOLD Manual are now complete
and there will be a final proposal for sub-
mission to ICAO. The PBCS manual is still
under development and the OPDLWG will
now focus their work to complete it. For
CPDLC deployment, China are very active
and will be expanding coverage. The US is
starting their rollout of CPDLC in enroute
airspace. Europe forges ahead with the
Baseline 2 deployment. IFALPA must con-
tinue to be involved at the regional level.
The ICAO IMP’s 9th meeting was held in
October with IFALPA representation pres-
ent to bring end user perspective into the
discussions related to the drafting of the
System Wide Information Management
(SWIM) manuals. As most of the panel
members don’t have experience from flight
operations the panel members appreciate
IFALPA’s input. The panel’s WG has sent
out a NOTAM questionnaire to NOTAM us-
ers and the responses will be available and
analyzed in the February WG meeting.