Page 6 - 2017-Issue3
P. 6


          Committee Meetings at a Glance

                                                                AIRCRAFT DESIGN & OPERATION (ADO)
                                                                23-24 MAY 2017
                                                                The ADO Committee Meeting was generously hosted by
                                                                Bombardier at their factory in Mirabel, Quebec, outside
                                                                Montreal. Attendees were treated to a presentation on
                                                                the new C-Series and a tour of the facility.
                                                                Hot topics at the ADO meeting included flight controls,
                                                                Remotely Piloted Air Craft Systems (RPAS), environ-
                                                                mental issues, and runway excursions.
                                                                Notably, a new Committee Vice-Chairman (Operations)
                                                                was elected, and Captain Maxime Nomico of France will
                                                                replace Australia’s Captain Shane Tobin in the position.
                                                                AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES (ATS)
                                                                13-15 JUNE 2017
                                                                The ATS meeting was held at ICAO Headquarters in
                                                                Montreal, Canada. Performance Based Navigation, Da-
                                                                ta-link Communication Systems, Aviation System Block
                                                                Upgrades (including NEXTGEN and SESAR), Remotely
                                                                Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)/ Unmanned Aircraft
                                                                Systems (UAS), and Reduced Separation  (vertical,
                                                                lateral) were the hot topics up for discussion at the ATS
                                                                While discussion was both dynamic and informative, the
                                                                ATS Committee hopes to welcome more new members
                                                                and to enjoy increased attendance in upcoming meet-
                                                                The next ATS Committee meeting will take place in
                                                                Singapore, 24 & 25 October 2017.
                                                                PROFESSIONAL & GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS (PGA)
                                                                13-14 JUNE 2017
                                                                Kindly hosted by NZ ALPA, the Committee met in
                                                                Auckland, New Zealand. The meeting was addressed by
                                                                Guest Speaker Ms. Sonya van de Geer, the New Zealand
                                                                government representative to the ICAO Air Transport
                                                                Regulation Panel (ATRP).
                                                                Discussions focused primarily on the industrial im-
                                                                plications of RPAS, national industrial updates, and a
                                                                transnational airlines update from EVP PGA, Captain
                                                                Jack Netskar. The Multilateral Air Services Agreement
                                                                (MASA) working group met the day before to strategize
                                                                regarding IFALPA’s participation in the ICAO ATRP
                                                                meeting in Montreal in July.
                                                                The next PGA meeting will be held in conjunction with
                                                                the Legal Committee (LEG) in Istanbul, 14-17 November

         ISSUE 3 | 2017                                                         InterPilot | The Safety and Technical Journal of IFALPA
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