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               The International Federation                                       15  COMMITTEE REPORT
              of Air Line Pilots’ Associations  4   PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE                An Interview with ATS Chairman,

                                                  CAPTAIN RON ABEL
 THE A330neo.  485 rue McGill, Bureau 700,      6   The Test of Time                   Captain Robert Torn
           Montreal, Quebec, H2Y 2H4, Canada
                                                  NEWS & NOTES
           Tel: +1 514 419 1191
           Fax: +1 514 419 1195                   Committee Meetings at a Glance &
           Email: [email protected]               Upcoming Meetings
                                              9     NEWS & NOTES
                                                  Report on Negotiations Seminar in
           EXECUTIVE TEAM                         Mexico City
           President: Captain Ron Abel
           Managing Director: Christoph Schewe
           Technical Director: Captain Mike Jackson
                                                                                  19  AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS
           EDITORIAL                                                                   ASKING FOR CPDLC LOG-ON
           Editor: Emily Bitting                                                       By Viktor Jagasits
           Cover image: Captain Andreas Tittelbach
                                                                                       ATC Officer & OJT Instructor,
           ADVERTISING                                                            25  VOICE OF THE REGIONS
           If you wish to advertise in InterPilot, or for   12    NEWS & NOTES         Featuring IFALPA Regional
           information on advertising, please contact:
 FLY       [email protected]               Dreams Soar into YUL by IFALPA       Vice-President for ASIA/West,
                                                  Managing Director, Christoph Schewe
                                                                                       Captain Shavantha Pedris

 The A330neo shares many of the same
 innovations  as  the  groundbreaking   InterPilot is a quarterly publication produced
 A350 XWB, delivering a 25% saving in   internally from our headquarters in Montreal,
 fuel consumption compared to others
           It is produced by & for Members. If you have
 in the category. Both aircraft also   comments, ideas or suggestions on this or any
           other edition, we encourage you to write our
 bene t from a common type rating,   Editor at [email protected]
 which means pilot training costs are
 signi cantly lower too. And on top   The views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors   The mission of IFALPA is to promote the highest level of aviation
           and do not necessarily reflect the views of IFALPA.   safety worldwide and to be the global advocate of the piloting
 of that, they can be  tted with our
           Articles and information contained in this publication are the
 beautifully designed Airspace cabins,   copyright of IFALPA and may not be reproduced in any form   profession; providing representation, services and support to both
           without the written permission of the publisher.
 setting a new benchmark in passenger                       our members and the aviation industry.
 comfort and wellbeing.

 Innovation. We make it  y.

         InterPilot | The Safety and Technical Journal of IFALPA                                               ISSUE 3 | 2017

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