Page 9 - 2016-Issue3
P. 9

                                                                               DRONE OPERATIONS - A R

         Drone Operations: A Rotary Wing View

         By CAPTAIN TONy RIDLEy, IFALPA Helicopter Committee Chairman

             PAS?  UAVs?  Drones? Call them what you   place, all aircraft are at risk from drones that   balanced) would almost certainly have
         Rwant, but they are everywhere. Many are   are not operated sensibly and within the law of   catastrophic consequences. At this time, there
         aware of the upsurge in popularity and usage   the land in which they are being flown. The   has not been much research done to find out
         of these unmanned aerial vehicles. Every   risk to fixed wing is more likely to be during   the effects of a collision, but both the FAA and
         television news program or documentary has   the take-off or landing phases – but for rotary   EASA have funding set aside for that task.
         videos obtained from drones. In the recent   wing - the risk is at all phases of flight due to   There is also research being partly funded by
         past, this work would have been carried out   the nature of low level operations such as   the British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA)
         with a dedicated film crew onboard a   police and air ambulance services. A study in   in conjunction with some major safety
         helicopter, so it is easy to understand why   2015 by AeroKinetics of Fort Worth, Texas,   stakeholders in the UK.
         multi-rotor drones are now the preferred and   concluded that “A head-on rotorcraft drone   Aviation incidents involving drones are on
         by far the cheapest option. Generally, the   strike may cause catastrophic failure of the   the rise worldwide, and within the rotary wing
         operation of drones to gather news for films or   rotorcraft’s windshield, resulting in significant   community, some have directly affected the
         television  programs  is  done  safely  and   damage to the aircraft and most likely injury to   safety of human life. Medical Transport
         professionally.  The  same goes to drones   the pilot. The damage and injury ... show to be   helicopters have had to abort landings at
         operated by the military for security purposes.   non-survivable based on the kinetic energy of   accident sites, and Fire Fighting helicopters
         However, this cannot always be said about   the impact”.                 have had to cease operations due to the
         drones bought and operated by the general   Drones below 4kg tend to be categorized as   proximity and dangerous operations of drones.
         public.                              being ‘Low Risk’ and those at 1.5 kg and below   Low level operations carry enough risks as it is,
            The potential for illegal use, such as   ‘Negligible Risk or Toys’. However, when   and the small profile of the average multi-rotor
         smuggling and even terrorism, is ever   looking closely  at the potential  collision   drone make them extremely difficult to see,
         increasing. The average camera carrying   Kinetic Energy (KE = 0.5MV2) involved, a   even during very good visibility.
         multi-rotor drone weighs in at around 1.28kg   whole new outlook becomes immediately   Utilizing drone weight as a method of
         and requires little or no skills to operate as the   evident. An often used example of KE is that of   determining risk mitigation is insufficient, and
         built-in electronic package makes them very   the firing a 9mm Parabellum bullet, which   the basic separation of distance and altitude/
         simple to fly. Most countries have a set of   weighing in at 9 grams at 360 metres per   level restrictions set by most countries will not
         regulations governing the operation of such   second at V0 – (0.0045x129,600), will result in   guarantee  deconfliction.  Under  all
         aerial vehicles, but sadly not all people obey   a KE of 583 Joules. Therefore, if an H145 (a   circumstances, the sole responsibility to see
         them, and this is where the problems begin.   helicopter type in worldwide general use)   and avoid manned aircraft must be that of the
         The majority of countries limit the operation   cruising at 133 kts were to be in collision with   drone operator. Some of the newer drones are
         of these smaller drones to within Visual Line   a 1.28kg drone, this would result in a KE strike   now equipped with automatic detection and
         Of Sight (VLOS) of the user and restrict the   of 2996 Joules (5 x 9mm bullets). Such an   avoidance equipment, which will make the
         altitude to an average maximum of 400 feet, as   impact on the windshield has already been   helicopter pilots’ life a little safer, but this does
         well as not permitting flight near people,   stated, but the effect on any part of the main or   not apply to the home built and hundreds of
         buildings or airports/airfields without specific   tail  rotor assembly (both  of which  are  of   thousands of ‘legacy’ drones already out there.
         permission. Even with such restrictions in   complicated engineering and very finely   It is thus important to keep a sharp lookout.

         InterPilot | The Safety and Technical Journal of IFALPA                                               ISSue 3 | 2016
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