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Committee Meetings at a Glance
ADO COmmittee meeting become applicable in 2016. In addition, there
Chaired by Captain Nikolaus Braun, the were position papers that also needed to be IFALPA EVENTS
IFALPA Aircraft Design & Operations developed. The full ATS Committee meeting
Committee (ADO) meeting was held in will take place in Frankfurt, Germany, 14-16 Register via the Members Area of the
Madrid at the SEPLA headquarters from 14-16 November 2016. IFALPA website:
June 2016. More than 35 delegates attended the
meeting including IFALPA newly elected pgA COmmittee meeting DG Committee Meeting
Executive Vice-President Technical Safety & The Professional & Government Affairs Sept. 17 - 19, 2016 - Tokyo
Standards (EVP TSS), Captain Patrick Committee meeting was held at the
Magisson, and representatives from Airbus and Vereinigung Cockpit headquarters in AFI/MID Regional Meeting
Boeing. The ADO Committee hot topics Frankfurt from 7-9 June. Almost 50 delegates Sept. 19 - 21, 2016 - Algiers
remain flight controls, RPAS, environment from the five IFALPA regions attended the HEL Committee Meeting
issues and runaway excursions which were meeting, and IFALPA’s President, Captain Oct. 10 - 12, 2016 - Melbourne
extensively discussed during the meeting. Martin Chalk, and Deputy President, Captain
Ron Abel, were also present. The main topics AAP Committee Meeting
AtS WOrking grOup meeting discussed during the meeting included ICAO Oct. 14 - 16, 2016 - Casablanca
The IFALPA Air Traffic Services (ATS) Air Transport Regulation Panel (ATRP) and
Working Group meeting took place in IFALPA’s strategy. During the meeting, both AGE Committee Meeting
Montreal at the IFALPA headquarters from Captain Marcelo Ceriotti and Captain Hilário Oct. 18 - 20, 2016 - Oaxaca
14-16 June 2016. The aim of the Working Castillo-Chávarri were elected PGA
Group meeting was to complete the review of Vice-Chairmen by acclamation. The next PGA ASIA/PAC Regional Meeting
the IFALPA documentation with proposals for Committee Meeting will be held on 28-29 Nov. 1 - 3, 2016 - Sydney
amendment to the IFALPA Annexes and PANS November in Bogotá, Colombia, hosted by
in light of the ICAO amendments that would ACDAC.
Issue 3 | 2016 InterPilot | The safety and Technical Journal of IFALPA