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         Introducing IFALPA’s Newly

         Elected Officers

                                                                                  part of the Crew Resource Management
              DEPUTy PRESIDENT - Ron Abel            EVP PGA - jack Netskar
                                                                                  facilitators at Air Nostrum, training both cabin
                         During the IFALPA 71 st             Captain Jack Netskar was   crew and pilots.
                         Annual  Conference,                 elected as IFALPA’s     He is the director of the Critical Incident
                         Captain  Ron Abel  was              Executive Vice-President   Response Program (CIRP) as well as the
                         elected IFALPA Deputy               Professional & Govern-  SEPLA Safety Report System (SRS). He is one
                         President. Captain Abel             mental Affairs  (EVP   of  the  spokespersons at  SEPLA who  works
                         has been an airline pilot           PGA) at the 2016     closely with the media on technical issues,
                         for over 35 years. He               IFALPA Conference.   especially during crises or accidents, and he
         currently  flies  the  Airbus  320  based in                             served as one of the Technical Experts during
         Chicago, Illinois. Prior to his election as   EVP NAM - Mike Geer        the Spanair 5022 judicial procedures.
         Deputy President, Captain Abel served as the
         Federation’s Professional and Government            At the 71  IFALPA     DG Committee Chairman - Scott Schwartz
         Affairs Committee Chairman developing               Annual   Conference,
         strategy in the following areas: freedom of         Captain Mike Geer was               At  the  2016  IFALPA
         association, pensions, air service negotiations,    elected     IFALPA                  Annual Conference in
         globalization, contract enforcement and             Executive Vice-President            New Orleans, Captain
         dispute resolution, and job security. Captain       North America (EVP                  Scott  Schwartz  was
         Abel also serves in numerous roles at his home      NAM).                               elected the IFALPA
         association, the Air Line Pilots Association,                                           Dangerous    Goods
         Int’l (ALPA-I).                                                                         Committee Chairman
                                                 RVP CAR/EAST - Chris Witt (1 year)
                                                                                  (DG). Since 2009, he has been an active
                                                             Captain Chris Witt from   member of the committee. Captain Schwartz
               EVP TSS - Patrick Magisson
                                                             the Cayman Islands was   started his flying career in 1977 after
                         Captain     Patrick                 elected for a one-year   completing his Ph.D in Chemical Engineering
                         Magisson from France                term as the Regional   at the University of Minnesota, and he joined
                         was elected Executive               V i c e - P r e s i de n t   FedEX in 1989. He has been representing the
                         V ice-P r esiden t,                 Caribbean/East  (RVP  Federation in various DG groups including
                         Technical    Safety                 CAR/EAST). He started   IATA’s DG Board. He is also a trained accident
                         Standards (EVP TSS) at   his flying career in 1996 with Island Air Ltd.  investigator.
                         the  2016  IFALPA  Con-
         ference. Prior to this election, he was an active   AAP Committee Chairman - Ariel Shocron  PGA Committee Chairman - René joziasse
         member of the IFALPA Human Performance
         Committee and served as the Vice-Chairman,          Ariel Shocrón Croitoru              Captain René Joziasse
         Training and Licensing. He is an IFALPA             was  elected  IFALPA                previously served as the
         Accredited Accident Investigator and for many       Accident Analysis and               IFALPA Professional and
         years, he chaired the SNPL Technical                Prevention Committee                Government   Affairs
         Committee. He represents IFALPA in several          Chairman at IFALPA’s                (PGA)     Committee
         important ICAO Groups such as the Flight            71  Conference. He has              Vice-Chairman before
         Operations Panel and the Remotely Piloted           been  involved  with                being elected Chairman
         Aircraft System Panel.               Human Factors since 2001 when he became   at the 2016 Conference.
         Issue 3 | 2016                                                         InterPilot | The safety and Technical Journal of IFALPA
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