Page 8 - InterPilot 2019 Issue 3
P. 8

BUILDING BRIDGES IN MONTREAL                                                                        PAGE 9



        in Montreal

        IFALPA’s First EVP/RVP Workshop a Success!

                                                                                                                                   IFALPA Workshop participants visit ICAO Headquarters, Montreal

        On 27 and 28 June 2019, IFALPA’s Regional Vice Presi-
        dents, Executive Board members, guests, keynote speak-                                                                                (5) To collect input to develop guidance and supporting material for Re-
        ers, and Secretariat staff assembled for the much-antic-                                                                              gional Representation/ Representatives, including training.
        ipated EVP/RVP workshop. The first of what is to be a                     “Bringing names
        regular event, the workshop built on momentum from the                                                                                Managing Director Christoph Schewe opened the session with an IFALPA
        2019 IFALPA Conference in Berlin and adopted the same                  and faces together                                             general overview including information on the history, mission, structure
        resonant motto, Building Bridges.                                                                                                     and governance, key documents, services, and budget of the Federation.
                                                                                     in an informal
        The goals of the workshop were fivefold: (1) To inform                            yet focused                                         IFALPA Technical Director and Representative to ICAO Captain Mike Jack-
        participants about IFALPA structure and governance, op-                                                                               son followed with a presentation on IFALPA’s work with ICAO and how the
        eration and budget, basic documents, and strategic plan,              environment was a                                               Federation influences the development of SARPs (Standards and Recom-
        with a focus on the Federation’s relationship with ICAO.                                                                              mended Practices). He explained that IFALPA provides crucial expertise as a
                                                                                 valuable exercise.
                                                                                                                                              Permanent Observer at the Air Navigation Commission, as well as by at-
        An overview of the new structure of IFALPA Professional                   This should help                                            tending numerous panel meetings every year at ICAO HQ in Montreal and
        and Government Affairs, and its implications for Commit-                                                                              throughout the Organization’s seven Regional Offices around the world.
        tee and Regional work was also included, along with a                           foster better
        review of the new IT strategy and its set of collaborative                 communication                                              A panel discussion entitled IFALPA Regions Today and Tomorrow was
        platforms.                                                                                                                            moderated by Carole Couchman, Senior Technical and Regional Officer. The
                                                                              and understanding                                               panel was comprised of four out of five Regional EVPs, including EVP AFI/
        (2) To raise awareness about the need for collaboration,                                                                              MID Captain Souhaiel Dallel, EVP ASIA/PAC Captain Ishtiaque Hossain, EVP
        exchange, and cooperation between the Regions and                           of the role that                                          CAR/NAM Captain Mike Geer, and EVP SAM Captain Daniel Bianco. Assess-
        across Regional Representation, Committee leadership,                   each EVP/RVP/EB                                               ments of present successes and challenges were compared with the EVP’s
        and volunteers.                                                                                                                       goals for the future.
                                                                                 and staff plays in
        (3) To identify expectations of the Regional Representa-                                                                              While the Regions differ in many ways, including representational size,
        tion structure both within IFALPA and its Member Asso-                  the overall IFALPA                                            economic and political situation, culture, and geography, the conversation
        ciations, and externally from other aviation stakeholders,                         structure.”                                        tended to focus on the unifying factors. Safety issues, regulators, coping
        pilots, and pilot groups who are not IFALPA members.                                                                                  with industrial problems, supporting Member Associations, and attracting
                                                                                      Cpt. Mike Jackson                                       new membership are common concerns, and this collaboration helped both
        (4) To review and amend existing documents including                                                                                  new and experienced Regional Representatives to refine and clarify their
        mandates for Elected Officers, and their current activity                                                                             vision moving forward.
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