Page 4 - InterPilot 2019 Issue 3
P. 4

PRESIDENT’S EDITORIAL                                                                               PAGE 5

                                 IFALPA Editorial                                                                              we  have  been,  and  still  partially  remain.  It  was
                     Captain Jack Netskar, President                                                                           therefore fruitful that the three main contributions
                                                                                                                               came from Boeing, the FAA, and CAE.                             “In a world

                                                                                                                               Point 1 is technically being solved by Boeing and               of growing
                                                                                                                               approved by the FAA. MCAS is one component of
                                                                                                                               the Speed Trim System (STS). The technical fix is               competitions, we
                                                                                                                               based  on  new  software/Flight  control  law  in  the
                                                                                                                               737 MAX flight control computer. This will provide
                                                                                                                               similar flaps-up protection to the already existing             need to improve
           B737 Max Summit, Montreal, Canada                                                                                   flaps-down  737NG  STS.  IFALPA  is  confident  that

                                                                                                                               all parts of the system are being reviewed and se-              and increase the
                                                                                                                               cured. Boeing as a company cannot withstand an-
                                                                                                                               other accident.                                                 amount of training

       In March 2019, regulators and airlines around the      primary source, and, at the same time, keep track                                                                                a professional
       world grounded the B737 MAX passenger aircraft         of what our Member Associations and the com-                     Point 2 has been a concern at IFALPA for a long
       after two nearly new aircraft tragically crashed less   munity at large bring forward.                                  time. We have a long-standing cooperation with
       than five months apart, killing all 346 passengers                                                                      OEMs through, among others, the ADO Commit-                     pilot receives, not
       and crew. The accidents befell Lion Air Flight 610     As part of this information gathering, IFALPA has,               tee, but we have no formal lines to Certifying state
       on October 29, 2018 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight      among other things, met with representatives of                  and therefore have less insight into the processes              diminish it. The
       302 on March 10, 2019.                                 Boeing for three separate briefings. Most recently,              surrounding  certifying  types.  This  process  takes
                                                              we attended the IATA B737 MAX 2nd Summit in                      place between the individual state CAA and OEM.                 gradual erosion of
       Ethiopian Airlines was first to ground the aircraft,   Montreal, just last week.                                        IFALPA and our MAs are related to the CAAs more
       effective the day of the accident. On March 11, the                                                                     on the oversight part. This means that we must rely             training time will
       aircraft’s airworthiness was publicly reaffirmed by    The purpose of this exceptional meeting, attended                on Certifying state and aircraft manufacturers to
       its certifying agency, the US Federal Aviation Ad-     by 18 airlines, 9 regulators, Boeing, ICAO, IFALPA,              do a qualitatively good job and ensure that assess-
       ministration. The same day, the CAA of China was       CAE, lessors, and other relevant stakeholders, was               ments are based on flight safety and not selling                have a delayed
       the first regulator to order the MAX grounding.        to identify the challenges and gain a common un-                 points. Are we creating software fixes to be able
                                                              derstanding of a roadmap to bring the B737 MAX                   to sell an aircraft as one type to reduce required              effect as the older
       In the next two days, most other airlines and reg-     back to operation in the safest, most efficient, and
       ulators around the world grounded it as well. On       timely manner possible.                                          training? It is an important question to ask.                   generation of pilots
       March 13, the FAA was one of the last agencies
       to ground the MAX, citing similarities between the     The big question amongst all stakeholders, includ-               The FAA is focused on providing Safe and Compli-                leave the left seat
       two crashes. In total, 387 airplanes were grounded.    ing IFALPA, is the “return to service” process. Views            ant Aircraft Design and changes to MCAS design
                                                              on this will vary depending on who you talk to, but              on one hand and the return-to-service process on                and take their
       From the time the B737 MAX was grounded un-            for us the priorities are clear:                                 the other. EASA, TC, and ANAC have a commit-
       til today, countless news articles, television/radio                                                                    ment to collaborative process with the FAA for cer-
       broadcasts, PRs, aviation expert commentary and        1.  The  technical  challenges  must  be  remedied               tification,  pilot  training,  and  ungrounding.  Given         experience with
       so-called  experts  have  been  produced.  Informa-       and satisfy established safety standards;                     the reduced degree of trust that exists for both the
       tion has been provided about the relationship be-      2.  The regulatory processes must take place in a                manufacturer and the regulator, it will be crucial              them.”
       tween regulators and the manufacturer regarding           way that prevents a greater degree of self-reg-               that all these regulators, as well as China, reach an

       withholding important information about the air-          ulation and removal of factors for different un-              agreement before the aircraft is put into service.              IFALPA PILOT TRAINING
       craft type, about the cost pressures that challenge       derstanding of the systems;                                                                                                   STANDARDS MANUAL
       flight safety as priority number 1, about problem-     3.  The  training  must  be  adequate  and  relevant             It would be very problematic politically to argue
       atic issues concerning internal reporting, etc.           information about the flight systems must be                  that the aircraft is safe when someone does not
                                                                 available.                                                    approve parts of the changes and does not return
       For IFALPA, it is important to maintain credibility in                                                                  it to service. What is important to understand is
       our statements and positions as safety profession-     The absence of one or more of these points will
       als. We must, therefore, seek information from the     result in a lack of trust, and that is precisely where           that only the FAA certifies Boeing, while all other
                                                                                                                               regulators validate this process.

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