Page 13 - InterPilot 2019 Issue 3
P. 13

NEWS & NOTES                                                                                        PAGE 13

 News &                                                                                   ADO Committee Meeting



 The IFALPA Aircraft Design and Operation              The board is working to increase the visibility and trans-
 (ADO) Committee Meeting was kindly host-              parency of IFALPA’s work and achievements, improve
 ed in Bangkok, Thailand, 5-7 June, by THAIPA.         services to the Member Associations, grow membership,
 The meeting welcomed 32 delegates from 14             and unify the Federation by encouraging collaboration
 Member Associations as well as representa-            and exchange between Regions, Committees, Elected
 tives from Airbus and Embraer.                        Officers, and Staff.

 Participants had the opportunity to focus             In addition, the EBM provided updates on the Federa-
 on key agenda items including discussions             tion’s finances, membership, and Conference organiza-
 on RPAS, Take-Off Performance, Reduced                tion, discussions and decisions on technical, industrial,
 Crew Operations, and ALPA’s Whitepaper on             and regional issues, and the approval of external rep-
 improving commercial aviation safety in the           resentation and IFALPA meetings in the second half of
 Far North.                                            this year. The Board was pleased to receive and report
                                                       positive outlooks on all fronts.
 The 64th IFALPA Executive Board Meeting
 (EBM) was held 24-26 June at the IFALPA HQ            This EBM was followed by IFALPA’s newly developed
 in Montreal, Canada.                                  EVP/RVP Workshop, where the momentum of Confer-
                                                       ence theme “Building Bridges” continued to unify and
 This first meeting of the new Board since             inspire the Elected Officers.
 Conference in Berlin provided an opportu-
 nity to get better acquainted and for the new
 members to familiarize themselves with the
 IFALPA Secretariat.

 An internal brainstorming and discussion
 session allowed each Board member to share
 their ideas, visions, and concerns. This set
 the foundation for a holistic approach to the
 Federation’s revised alignment.

  EBM, Montreal    EBM, Montreal
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