Page 17 - InterPilot 2019 Issue 3
P. 17

NEWS & NOTES                                                                                        PAGE 17

 News &



                                                                                       HUPER Working Group, Madrid

 The Human Performance (HUPER) Work-                     IFALPA visited Shanghai following ChALPA’s ex-
 ing Group met in Madrid, 10-11 July 2019.               pression of interest to host the IFALPA Conference
 Kindly hosted by SEPLA, the group focused on            in 2022. IFALPA delegates, along with host repre-
 the important task of updating all of IFALPA’s          sentatives from ChALPA, were graciously invited
 medical Briefing Leaflets to reflect the latest         to visit the Chinese state-owned aircraft manufac-
 advances in medical science.                            turer COMAC.

 The draft of a Briefing Leaflet to support              During the tour they discussed potential coop-
 IFALPA’s already-published Position Paper on            eration in light of the Conference 2022 bid and
 Radiation, 18POS02 - Protection from Ionizing           beyond. All sides expressed great interest in
 Radiation,  was also finalized.                         strengthening IFALPA relationships in China and
                                                         working towards the common goal of reaching
 The group reviewed command training meth-               out to more Chinese pilots.
 ods around the world to identify best practic-
 es and the need for establishing standards, as          Potential future projects were outlined and di-
 well as manual flying training and the devel-           cussed, including the possiblity of COMAC pilot
 opment of a clear definition for manual flying.         observers participating in certain IFALPA Com-
 They also provided a review of pilot monitor-           mittees and the opportunity for COMAC to gain
 ing to build on existing publications with the          exposure as sponsors at upcoming IFALPA Confer-
 latest science.                                         ences.

 Most of this work will be reviewed by the full
 HUPER Committee at their upcoming meeting
 in Tokyo in November, and ideally published
 soon after.

 An IFALPA certificate of appreciation was
 presented by HUPER Chairperson Captain
 Tanja Harter to Captain Maria del Mar Alguacil
 López, SEPLA Technical Department Deputy

 HUPER Working Group, Madrid  Shanghai Visit
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