Page 31 - InterPilot 2019 Issue 1
P. 31
The Flight Operations Panel (FLTOPSP) had a full agenda at
their meeting in October which included continued work
on the application of the cold temperature correction;
development of Chemical, Biological Radiological (CBR)
Guidance material; Emergency Response Procedures for
Incidents involving Dangerous Goods; continued develop-
ment of a concept of operations for using Visual Prescribed
Tracks (VPT) based on RNAV; further work on Volcanic Ash
Operations Considerations; various tasks involving Heli-
copter Operations; reporting of hazards such as lasers and
drone sighting (a paper submitted by IFALPA), and several
other topics.
The Flight Recorder Specific Working Group (FLIRECSWG)
also met in October and continued to work on the guid-
ance material required for the new amendments published
this year.
The final meeting for October was the Remotely Piloted
Aircraft Systems Panel (RPAS/12). The Panel continued the
development of Standards and Recommended Practices
(SARPs) for the integration of RPAS for international IFR
operations. In addition to the SARPs, guidance material is
being developed from all the working groups within the
Panel, including; Airworthiness, C2 Link, Detect and avoid bly in 2019, via the ICAO Council. The discussions were not
(DAA), Licensing, Operations, Air Traffic Management, and without controversy at times but reaffirmed the critical im-
Human in the System (HITS). The Working Groups coordi- portance of aviation security in the overall global civil avia-
nate constantly with other relevant Panels within ICAO and tion system and recognised the continued security threats
the first edition of Part IV to Annex 6 is expected in the near and challenges faced by international aviation.
December began with the meeting of the ICAO Global
November saw the 35th Working Group meeting of the Air Aviation Safety Plan Study Group (GASPSG) where they fi-
Traffic Management Requirements and Performance Panel nalised the revision of the draft 2020-2022 Edition of the
(ATMRPP). The main issues discussed at the meeting con- GASP. The three subgroups; Organizational issues (ORG),
cerned consolidating the comments made on the various Operational issues (OPS), and Safety Performance Mea-
documents to finalise the eventual proposed amendments surement (SPM), each met to review specific issues within
to the Flight and Flow Information for Collaborative En- their area. The issues were then reviewed and agreed upon
vironment (FF-ICE) Concept document and consequential by the Study Group as a whole. The final version will receive
amendments to existing Annexes and PANS. one more review by the Study Group at a teleconference in
early 2019. It will then be presented to the ICAO Council,
There were detailed presentations on future work where then on to the 40th ICAO Assembly for approval and en-
there is concern that the interactions suggested so far ap- dorsement in 2019.
pear to be for autonomous operations. The meeting also
recognised that explaining FF-ICE in a more coherent and The same week the GOLD (Global Operational Data Link)
transparent way is essential if States are going to imple- Project Team met to continue work on amendments to the
ment this and that is necessary to overcome the many GOLD for Edition 2 of the document. Specific chapters were
shortcomings of FPL2012 as well as determining a “sunset” worked on and consolidated, and the appendices reviewed
date for FPL2012. and restructured. This work is ongoing and will be contin-
ued at future meetings.
The ICAO Competency-Based Training & Assessment Task
Force met in November and they continued to develop up- 2019 will see the 40th ICAO Assembly scheduled for 24
dates for Annex 1 and associated documents concerning September - 4 October. The Assembly meets every three
licensing and training. years and is convened by the ICAO Council. It is the Orga-
nization’s sovereign body and establishes the worldwide
The Aviation Security week was the last week of November. policy for the upcoming triennium; reviewing the work of
The first half of the week was a symposium with an exhibi- the Organization for administration, economic, legal, and
tion from various sponsors and the week concluded with technical cooperation and approves the triennial budget as
the High-Level Conference Aviation Security. This was at- well as electing Council.
tended by 107 Member Associations and 22 international,
regional, and industry organisations and associations. The Between the Assembly, Panel Meetings, Working Groups,
Conference agreed on a set of conclusions and recommen- and Study Groups, 2019 promises to be a very busy year
dations which will be submitted to the 40th ICAO Assem- for IFALPA at ICAO.