Page 30 - InterPilot 2019 Issue 1
P. 30
A quarterly recap of IFALPA’s activities at the International Civil Aviation Organization
The past few months have been an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
exceptionally busy time at ICAO. Oc- Change (IPCC), and were addressed at
tober saw the Dangerous Goods the meeting. Potential mitigation and
Panel meet. Several important issues adaptation strategies were compiled
were discussed, but no substantial and will be available for the aviation
decisions have been made. The work sector and for State action plans.
of the Dangerous Goods Panel is be-
coming more interdisciplinary and The CAEP Working Group also dis-
coordination and cooperation with cussed operational measures to re-
other panels, such as Flight Opera- duce noise and the noise impact on
tions and Airworthiness, is becoming the ground. IFALPA not only promotes
more common. safe and secure aviation but also con-
siders sustainability to be a key factor
Work will continue with other pan- for future growth of the aviation in-
els on issues such as mitigating the dustry. While IFALPA supports respon-
BY CAROLE COUCHMAN, MBE hazards of portable electronic de- sible noise mitigation measures, such
IFALPA Senior Technical Officer, vices (PED’s) in passenger checked as PBN approaches, Noise Abatement
Regional Officer baggage, developing guidance for Procedures (NADP’s), and engine-out
flight crews to deal with a PED fire in taxi operations, they also indicate that
the cockpit, the hazards of using and safety comes first. Safety issues re-
charging power banks by passengers, lated to (slightly) steeper approaches,
and how to require freight forward- two-segment arrivals and variable
ers that do not normally handle dan- NADP’s must be solved before future
gerous goods to have an undeclared implementation.
dangerous goods recognition train-
ing program. Preliminary discussions The Operational Data Link Working
have started on regulating dangerous Group of the Communications Panel
goods transport on Remotely Piloted met in October and continued work-
Aircraft Systems (RPAS) and how the ing on the global development of
SAE packing standard for lithium bat- standards and deployment of data
teries will be incorporated into the link communications. The Working
regulations. Group is responsible for the Global
Operational Data Link Document
The Committee on Aviation Envi- (GOLD) and the Performance Based
ronmental Protection (CAEP) Work- Communications and Surveillance
ing Group also met in October. They (PBCS) manual, both of which are in
discussed what the impact would be the process of being updated. Topics
on aerodromes and flight operations such as Conditional Clearances and
when the sea-level will rise or thunder- the ‘Welcome Message’ are under dis-
storm intensity will increase over the cussion and IFALPA is involved in the
next decades. These and other effects smaller groups updating the GOLD
of climate change are forecast by the and PBCS Manual.