Page 29 - InterPilot 2019 Issue 1
P. 29

IFALPA.ORG                                                                                          PAGE 29

       WP295-Establishment of Military      for the intended purposes and that  As we look forward to the upcoming
       Requirements and Restrictions on     all parties, including the pilot com-  ICAO General Assembly,  we can ex-
       International Civil Aviation         munity,  are  involved  in the  process.  pect that the recommendations from
                                            Properly collected and analyzed data  the ANC/13 will comprise much of the
       WP299-Impact of Commercial Space     is  a powerful  tool to mitigate future  Technical agenda items, preparing the
       Operations on Civil Aviation         safety risks, however, its abuse would  Administrative Commission to be able
                                            reverse this trend and jeopardize the  to more accurately budget for the up-
       WP300-The use of Safety  Data  and   trust framework used to collect data.   coming triennium.
       Safety Information at the State Level
                                            Topics covered under Emerging Issues  These two  events,  along  with  the
       These papers may all still be viewed on   included Operations above FL600, Op-  High Level Safety Conference (HLSC),
       the ICAO public website:             erations below 1000 feet, RPAS, Cyber  which should be held in 2020 to fo-      Resilience, UAS, and  Supersonic and  cus on other areas of aviation safety,
       Pages/WP_Presenter.aspx              Commercial  Space Operations. The  comprise the highest level of decision
                                            concerns  for  IFALPA regarding  these  making bodies with respect to aviation
       Of the topics discussed involving the   new  entrants  are  that  they  abide  by  technical and safety work. IFALPA’s in-
       GANP, IFALPA should pay close atten-  the  same level of safety  and  can  be  fluence,  however,  begins  much  ear-
       tion to a requested analysis on wheth-  integrated into traditional shared air-  lier, at the Committee level and within
       er to change PANS ATM to allow for   space as laid out in our Position Pa-  ICAO panels and working groups.
       Reduced Runway Separation Minima     per  on  RPAS
       (RRSM) during night time  hours in   and  will be  similarly stated  on  these  The  greatest  resource  our  Member
       addition to those allowed by daytime   other  entrants.  For  operations  below  Associations can provide to the Fed-
       operations  today.  This  issue  will  first   1000 feet, these new entrants will be  eration is subject matter expertise, and
       come to a panel where it will be the   utilizing the same airspace as Helicop-  it is in these venues where  it makes
       best place to voice our concerns.    ters,  often  not  in controlled  airspace  the most profound  impact on avia-
                                            and therefore there need to be SARPs  tion  safety.  The culmination of  those
       In the GASP discussions, it was quite   developed to ensure the highest level  efforts can be seen on the proposals
       clear that there are still  parts  of the   of  safety.  Cyber  resilience and  cyber  that go before the General Assembly,
 BY CAPTAIN MIKE JACKSON  world left behind and it is their desire   security continue to be a major chal-  Air Navigation Conference,  and High
 IFALPA Technical Director &  to get caught up, but it is difficult to   lenge. In order to maintain acceptable  Level Safety Conference.  We encour-
       achieve while the more mature States   levels of safety and redundancy, ICAO  age you to follow these events on the
 Representative to ICAO
       keep moving ahead. IFALPA must keep   has  established a  Secretariat  Study  ICAO  public  website  under  meetings
       a close eye on the use of Big Data to   Group on Cybersecurity to identify is-  and events:
       ensure that it is collected, de-identified   sues that need to be dealt with in the
       (where required), stored, and utilized   near and long term.             aspx
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