Page 14 - InterPilot 2019 Issue 4
P. 14
News &
The Helicopter (HEL) Committee, chaired the fatigue science was applicable to heli-
by Captain Matt Nielsen, met 1-3 October copter operations as well as fixed wing.
in Oslo, Norway at the generous invita-
tion of Norsk Flygerforbund (NF). After the Kindly hosted by IsrALPA, IFALPA’s Legal
two-day meeting, IFALPA passed the mi- Committee met 11-12 September in
crophone to ECA for their HEL Committee Jerusalem. After a review of the past year’s
meeting, which followed. Committee work, the meeting was updated
on IFALPA’s work at ICAO, and the [then]
The meeting welcomed fifteen participants upcoming Legal Commission at the 40th
representing seven countries, and ECA, Assembly.
along with an observer from Industri Energi
of Norway. The Committee was briefed on Discussions also included a focus on IFAL-
the work of the ICAO Helicopter Sub-Group PA’s UAS+WG (Unmanned Aircraft Systems
(HSG), and the state of the industry, with Working Group) and RPAS integration, as
a focus on the need to include helicopter well as a review of ALPA’s White Paper –
pilots within the umbrella of broader Mem- The Dangers of Single-Pilot Operations.
ber Associations.
Other issues investigated through the legal
Major points of discussion included fatigue lens were Unruly Passengers, Accident
management in helicopter operations, ef- Analysis & Prevention Committee Topics.
fects of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
(RPAS) on helicopter operations, Airborne Representatives from the IFALPA Female
Image Recorders, Obstacle Marking and Pilots WG brought the Legal Committee
Lighting, and anticipated changes in heli- up to speed on their activities and possible
copter pilot training. LEG/FPWG links. Member Association Legal
Updates followed.
The Committee discussed the different op-
erational profiles for helicopter operations Captain Oliver Sellmann, former Legal
as opposed to fixed wing, including region- Committee Chair, was recognized for his
al differences in how similar operations are many years of outstanding service to the
approached. The Committee also reviewed Legal Committee and the Federation. Cap-
the ICAO Fatigue Management Guide for tain Gad Ariel from IsrALPA is the current
Airline Operators, where it was noted that LEG Committee Chair.