Page 5 - InterPilot 2018, Issue 4
P. 5
President’s Message
w hile roman general Julius Caesar may have penned the earliest known use of the Our Federation believes that measurable and objective performance standards must be established, and
proverb “experience is the teacher of all things,” there’s good reason why countless
that competence must be clearly defined. While CBTA programs hold promise, more work needs to be
others have offered some variation on the idea. It’s because the proverb has stood
done before they can be applied to traditional type and instrument ratings.
the test of time for 2,000 years.
Experience also teaches in other aspects of aviation safety. IFALPA recently issued a new position paper
detailing the latest information about “hot spots”—locations in the aerodrome movement area that often
The value of experience is no less true
have a history of collision or runway incursions. Because experience tells us that pilots need to maintain
when it comes to aviation safety and the
higher vigilance and exercise greater caution at these airports, IFALPA believes that runway and taxiway
piloting profession. This year the Feder-
issues must be a standing agenda item at each Runway Safety Team meeting at “hot spot” aerodromes.
ation celebrates 70 years of experience
As the subject of regular discussion, the perspectives of pilots and others who work at the facility every
in aviation safety advocacy through the
day will be readily available to airport authorities. As a result, due to their experience, appropriate solu-
International Civil Aviation Organization
tions such as awareness campaigns, additional visual aids, and alternative routings can be put in place
(ICAO), Regulators, Aircraft Manufactur-
more efficiently and effectively.
ers, Airports, Air Traffic Service Provid-
ers, Airlines, and many other organi-
And the same idea of pilots learning from experience informs so many other IFALPA activities. In Septem-
zations to make global aviation safe,
ber, the Kenya Airline Pilots Association generously hosted the IFALPA Africa and Middle East regional
secure, and sustainable for everyone.
meeting to bring together pilots engaged in safety and labor relations to share their knowledge. It was a
We continue to bring our experience to
privilege to join the discussion in Kenya and learn about airline pilots’ experience in the region. Similarly,
bear on a number of important issues
IFALPA’s Helicopter Committee continued its work on new technical publications that reflect the experi-
facing aviation today.
ence of our pilots during its recent meeting in Montreal.
The International Civil Aviation Organi-
Across the globe, government leaders also recognize the value and importance of engaging with airline
zation task force is proposing changes
pilots and IFALPA member associations to understand their first-hand experience with safety, security,
to Annex 1 and its procedures for air
and human performance from our years of flying the line. During the Asia/Pacific Regional Meeting in
navigation services and training. In this
October, Malaysian Minister of Transport Anthony Loke Siew Fook opened the meeting—a clear demon-
context, IFALPA’s Human Performance
stration of the value he places on airline pilots’ perspectives. I would like to express my special thanks to
Committee sought to affirm the essen-
the Malaysia Airlines Pilots’ Association for hosting the event.
tial role that training and experience
play in the professional development of
And experience teaches that, to be effective, government affairs work requires staying constantly con-
airline pilots.
nected with key government officials on national and international levels. At IFALPA’s recent Professional
and Government Affairs Committee meeting, Member Association representatives learned that cultivat-
As part of this effort, IFALPA recently re-
ing relationships with regulators and elected officials is critical. By investing time to develop relationships,
leased a position paper on competency-
pilots have a strong contact when needed and are recognized as a trusted source of balanced informa-
based training and assessment (CBTA)
of pilots. Because some operators and
regulators are currently developing and
Experience also teaches at the bargaining table. For that reason, IFALPA is proud to continue sponsor-
implementing a CBTA approach to pi-
ing our Negotiations Seminar. The seminar is led by highly experienced instructors and includes formal
lot licensing and training programs, it’s
instruction as well as a simulated negotiations exercise against a strict deadline.
more important than ever that such pro-
grams contain certain elements and are
The mission of IFALPA is to promote properly developed, implemented, and To celebrate IFALPA’s 70th anniversary year, the Executive Board launched a Professional Development
Initiative that will expand the learning opportunities available to our Membership. This campaign comes
the highest level of aviation safety maintained. with a budget of $125,000 to encourage Member Associations to host new training programs for IFALPA
worldwide and to be the global Our Federation supports CBTA pro- participants and sponsor registrations for the courses IFALPA currently offers at reduced rates.
advocate of the piloting profession; grams as another tool to enhance pilot
Thanks to our Member Associations, our Volunteers, Elected Officers, Pilot Subject Matter Experts, and
providing representation, services, and training. However, IFALPA strongly op- our knowledgeable professional staff, IFALPA offers a tremendous range of opportunities to learn from
poses any effort to reduce the specific
support to both our members and the one another’s experiences. After all, no one understands more than airline pilots that experience teaches.
hour requirements for actual flight ex-
aviation industry. perience that allows pilots to build the
Capt. Ron Abel
critical skills they need to ensure safety.
IFALPA President