Page 20 - 2017-Issue1
P. 20
Voice of the Regions
w ily playing a critical role in securing, enhancing
cAPTAIn brIAn Shury hAT doeS IFALPA meAn To and bringing our Profession together around
you PerSonALLy?
IS vIce PreSIdenT oF ALPA cAnAdA the world. My experiences on the Legal
IFALPA means many things to me Committee and the Professional &
And IFALPA dIrecTor For cAnAdA. Government Affairs Committee demonstrate
personally on a number of levels. On a
he ALSo SITS on The nAv cAnAdA professional level it provides the world’s pilots to me that we have much more work to do with
an organized meeting place where we can respect to Government and Industry affairs.
AdvISory commITTee rePreSenT- There are many threats facing our profession in
come together and speak with one voice. It is
Ing ProFeSSIonAL PILoT grouPS. always improving and we need to include the form of rapidly changing business models,
many other professional pilot voices, but we ill-conceived air liberalization policies and an
cAPTAIn Shury reSIdeS wITh hIS inability to compete against an entire region
are tracking in the right direction. I think
wIFe And Two dAughTerS neAr sometimes many of us lose sight of how whose carriers benefit from dramatic and
critically important it is to create and grow unfair subsidies. It is IFALPA that provides us
PeTerborough, onTArIo. as pilots that common meeting place where we
institutions like IFALPA that allow us all to
come together and act together. can respectfully debate and share our concerns
My involvement with IFALPA has ranged and develop strategies that will benefit all of us.
between the Legal Committee and the IFALPA is a demonstration of the belief that we
Professional and Government Affairs are all in this together as opposed to every pilot
Committee (PGA) and attending Conference for him/herself and as a result we achieve
in various capacities. IFALPA has always been optimal results both individually and as a
very strong in all matters safety and technical group.
and holds the respect of ICAO, IATA, w hAT AIrPorT InFrASTrucTure
Government Regulators and Industry. Canada ImProvemenTS hAve you Seen
has played a strong role on the safety and In your regIon ThAT hAve
technical side and is playing a very strong role been beneFIcIAL To SAFeTy?
in the “Pilot Assistance” realm as well. ALPA
Canada has developed first class pilot Probably the most significant improvement
assistance programs that are now being has been in the area of deice facilities in
adopted around the world. Canada and the United States. The facilities
To me IFALPA is increasingly and necessar- have improved significantly as well as deice
fluid, application methods and technology.
issUe 1 | 2017 interpilot | the safety and technical Journal of iFAlpA