Page 8 - 2016-Issue 2
P. 8
IFALPA at Captain Richard de Crespigny’s
Lecture on Effective Leadership to Avert Disaster
he Montreal Branch of the Royal order to face a black swan event (an event that
TAeronautical Society invited Captain is impossible to predict and beyond a normally
Richard de Crespigny to give a lecture on expected situation), one must have excellent
QANTAS QF32: A Study in Effective stress management skills and avoid tunneled
Leadership to Avert Disaster. Held at the ICAO vision. Furthermore, when facing this kind of
Assembly Hall on 25 January 2016, IFALPA event, one must use a reverse logic; instead of
had the rare opportunity to meet Captain de focusing on what does not work, look at what
Crespigny and learn from his extraordinary works. Another contributing factor to the safe
account of how one of the world’s worst air landing of the QF32 was Captain de
disasters was averted. Crespigny’s training in the Royal Australian
During his lecture, Captain de Crespigny Air Force which taught him to perform a
highlighted the main four factors that enabled “control check” instead of attempting to land
him to successfully land the highly damaged without knowing how the aircraft would react.
A380, the world’s largest passenger aircraft. He This process is not commonly taught in
thanked his team in the cockpit and the flight commercial aviation.
attendants for their help as well as the Crew Captain de Crespigny’s outstanding
Resource Management (CRM) which allowed leadership and skills had saved the lives of 469
him to delegate tasks to his flight crew while he souls onboard when QANTAS QF32,
gave his undivided attention to the problem at departing from Singapore on 4 November
hand. Captain de Crespigny also stated that in 2010, suffered an uncontained engine failure.
Aviation Growth and
Sustainable 21 Century International Youth Exchange
Economic Development a program for airline families
On 16 February 2016, the Montreal Council on Youth ages 14–19 are matched with a
Foreign Relations (CORIM) organized a correspondent of similar age from an airline
luncheon and invited the ICAO Secretary family abroad. The youth are together in
General, Dr. Fang Liu, to give a presentation both homes. They spend two weeks in
on Aviation Growth and Sustainable 21 st your home and two weeks in the matched
family’s home. Exchanges are planned
Century Economic Development. IFALPA was during school holidays.
among the invitees who had the privilege to
gain insights from Dr. Fang Liu. During the International Youth Exchange Costs for exchange include:
presentation, she covered ICAO’s key has been coordinated by a retired > application fee of $300 USD
(refundable if match is not found)
objectives with regards to safety and security, airline employee since 1994. > your airline pass
the growth of air transport focused on > spending money
sustainable development and the relationships
between ICAO and the Montreal aviation
industry players. Dr. Liu emphasized the fact
that safety, security, governance, efficiency and
environmental performance are all prerequi- Please announce to your airline staff members!
sites for the sustainable growth of the aviation International Youth Exchange Program, LLC
industry, currently and in the years to come. PO Box 211065, St. Paul, MN 55121-2465, USA
Issue 2 | 2016 InterPilot | The safety and Technical Journal of IFALPA