Page 6 - 2016-Issue 2
P. 6
Updates on the Five Regions of
the Federation
many challenges to face and other States are received any response. Both ICAO and IATA
Africa and Middle-East (AFI/MID)
likely to face the same. This provided an have now seen the presentation, and they
The Africa and Middle East (AFI/MID) region excellent opportunity for the Association to be consider it a high priority for resolution. At the
continues in a period of instability and conflict actively involved in assisting the authorities IFALPA Conference this year, it is expected
marked by the lack of settlement of existing with facing these challenges. that the whole Brazilian airspace will be classi-
conflicts and the rise of new crises. The The needs for pilots continue to increase fied as “Critically Deficient”. It is then hoped
conflicts in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen have within the region and this has led to the need that the authorities will take action to ensure
constituted a breeding ground for terrorism for training to meet the demand. Airline pilot the safety of their airspace.
and violent extremism. Following the recent training has become big business in South-East
terrorist events, there is an urgent need to Asia as counties seek to increase their status as EUROPE (EUR)
implement very strict border controls. This an aviation hub. The new training organiza- All the updates relating to Europe can easily be
will involve mobilization of financial and tions are boasting that they have the latest in found on the European Cockpit Association
human resources that are not available in the training aids and facilities, and it can only be (ECA) website. The top six events that have
majority of the AFI/MID countries. The hoped that they meet the training require- shaped European aviation in 2015 are reported
IFALPA Member Associations (MAs) in the ments as led out by ICAO. as: (Atypical) Social Trends in Aviation
region can play an important role in overcom- Several Member Associations participated Became High on the Agenda, Germanwings
ing some problems especially those related to in the Accredited Accident Investigation Crash and Its Aftermath, Europe Receives a
the lack of qualified human resources. The course that took place in Singapore in January New Aviation Package, Pilot Fatigue and Flight
AFI/MID region will require a large number of 2016. This has resulted in six IFALPA accred- Time Limitations, Europe’s International
qualified human resources that would not be ited accident investigators for the region. Reach: Multilateral Air Service Agreement,
necessarily available. In the meantime, the Aviation thrives for Just Culture and Drones:
region continues to witness a massive Caribbean and South America (CAR/SAM) The Theme of the Year.
migration of skills from Africa to the Mid- Labor conditions continue to be the dominate
dle-East, affecting the viability of some airlines. concern in the Caribbean and South America NORTH AMERICA (NAM)
Unfortunately, due to the economic reasons for (CAR/SAM) region. In addition, Open Skies
migration already known, issues relating to negotiations in several countries also continue ALPA International (ALPA-I) represents ALPA
security are now seriously compromised in to be a major concern. Canada and US ALPA which makes the North
some countries who are victims of terrorism. American (NAM) region. The continuous
During the CAR/SAM regional meeting,
Brazil made a presentation concerning the efforts in organizing the professional pilots in
Asia and Pacific (ASIA/PAC) North America has resulted in Virgin America
release of giant balloons in the Brazilian
The year 2015 was another busy but successful airspace. These balloons can be from 2-60 pilots joining the Association, and likewise,
Frontier pilots have made the decision to
year for IFALPA in the Asia and Pacific (ASIA/ meters long and weigh over 2 tons and often become a member. Although some airlines
PAC) region. It began with the ICAO Universal carry up to 300 kg of fireworks. There have have downsized, or even shut down, the
Safety Oversight Audit Program Continuous been reports of balloons being seen at FL 240, encouraging news is that most other airlines
Monitoring Approach (USOAP CMA) in and some reports where at FL 370, more than are hiring. ALPA continues to work on the
Thailand early in the year. This has proved to 50 balloons are observed at various levels issue of foreign pilots operating particularly in
be a challenge for many of the ICAO States in below and higher. The launch of these balloons Canada and to ensure that the government
the region. Lack of political and government’s in the air is a common cultural and religious adopts ALPA’s policy recommendations
support has resulted in inadequate and unqual- practice in Brazil, but they are now used in regarding wet leasing and other programs. This
ified personnel along with poor legal and competitions with many organized groups has resulted in a number of furloughed
organizational structure. After failing the involved. IFALPA has contacted the authorities members returning to full-time operations.
USOAP CMA audit, the Thai government had to raise this issue, but unfortunately has not
Issue 2 | 2016 InterPilot | The safety and Technical Journal of IFALPA