Page 46 - InterPilot 2020 Issue 1
P. 46

PAGE 46                                                                                        IFALPA@ICAO

            Apart from existing functions like flight plan filing  of data from multiple sources. How to use and
            (with change, delay, and cancelation messages)  validate the data  is crucial in developing UTM
            and  notification  (movement  messages),  new  airspace.  Other  sessions  included  Cooperative
            services are introduced. These include a Planning  Separation  of  Stratospheric  Operations  –  these
            Service  for  operators  to  receive  feedback  on  were  primarily from Loon and Airbus Zephyr.
            available routings considering constraints and a  Their launches now are primarily from Australia
            Trial Service which tests potential changes on a  and  the US in Class  G airspace,  then  going
            “what if” basis. Later functions of FF-ICE/R2 build  through Class B, A and then F. They make use of
            on a Connected Aircraft (CA) Concept to improve  Temporary restricted airspace for their launch and
            the trajectory inflight.                         recovery. Within the upper airspace they utilize
                                                             a form of UTM taken from best practices today,
            The deliverables of FF-ICE/R1 should be approved  however the density of aircraft is far less. Other
            during the next meeting. This comprises proposed  sessions included, UAS Operations over the High
            amendments to  Annex  2, PANS-AIM and  PANS  Seas; comparison on how Drones are regulated
            ATM and the new ICAO Doc 9965 Manual on  and Deconfliction and Separation Management.
            FF-ICE with Volume I – Concept and Volume II -  The next Drone Enable will be in Rio de Janeiro,
            Implementation Guidance. The meeting discussed  Brazil, 9-11 September 2020.
            comments made  on  these documents,  noted
            the  experiences of  tabletop  exercises and  the  ICAO Separation and Airspace Safety Panel (SASP)
            development status of connected  applications  The 33rd working  group  meetings of the SASP
            like FIXM.                                       was held at ICAO Montreal 12-22 November 2019.
                                                             As with  all SASP meetings it was a full agenda
            A “notional sunset date” of 2030 was proposed  that covered a range of subjects from En-route
            for FPL2012 but it will be challenging to convince  separation minima and procedures – horizontal,
            all stakeholders. New prefixed codes in flight plan  En-route  separation  minima  and  procedures  –
            field  18  under  NAV/  and  SUR/  were  proposed  vertical;  Terminal area  separation  minima  and
            for PBN (e.g.  “NAV/ PBNM1M2) and ADS-B  procedures; Safety assessment methodologies for
            respectively.  A  tri-panel  coordination  meeting  the future ATM environment as well as Reduced
            of the ATMOPSP, CP-OPDLWG and ATMRPP is  Vertical  Separation  Minima (RVSM) issues  and
            planned  for  mid-2020. The next meeting is the  High Altitude Balloon Operations. Areas of note
            full panel meeting, ATMRPP/4 in Montreal, 23 -  included  the Development  of PBCS network
            27 March 2020, followed by WG/39 in November  outage contingency procedures, an update on
            2020.                                            Contingency Hazard Areas, and the development
                                                             of an Implementation Manual for separation
            ICAO Drone Enable/3                              minima using ATS surveillance systems where VHF
            The DE/3 was held from Nov 12-14, 2019 in  voice communication is not available, particularly
            ICAO, there were approximately 1200 delegates  weather deviations, allowing turns in ITP.
            in attendance. As  a symposium,  this  event was
            mostly  about  presentations  and  education  –  ICAO  Secretariat  Study  Group  on  Cybersecurity
            there are no statements, policies, SARPs, or the  (SSGC)
            like that come out of a Symposium.  Updates  The seventh  meeting of the  ICAO Secretariat
            from ICAO included the fact that there is now a  Study  Group on Cybersecurity  (SSGC) took
            dedicated UAS section of the ICAO public website.  place  at  the  beginning  of  December.  The  main
            In addition to other important information, ICAO  activity  of the meeting was the  drafting  of the
            has published model UAS regulations which are  ICAO Cybersecurity Action Plan requested by the
            purely to be used as a template.                 ICAO Assembly. The majority of time during this
                                                             meeting was dedicated to writing the action plan,
            There  are  still  many safety considerations with  which was evaluated sentence by sentence. It is
            respect to overloading  the 1090MHz spectrum  hoped that eventually the end goal should have
            especially if UAS all start using ADS-B. There were  a risk management system that includes safety,
            some interesting presentations on building UTM  security, and cybersecurity. However, that may be
            airspace which are dependent on the collection  too ambitious for now.
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