Page 45 - InterPilot 2020 Issue 1
P. 45


 A quarterly recap of the Federation’s activities at
 the International Civil Aviation Organization

        IFALPA Senior Technical & Regional Officer

               ICAO AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT                   International  IFR  operations bt Remotely
               OPERATIONS (ATMOPSP)                          Piloted Aircraft  (RPA). Over 175 comments
               Working Group 8 of the ATMOPS Panel met  on Chapters  5-14 of Annex 6 Part  IV were
               from 28 October to 1 November 2019. During  addressed and still awaiting secretariat review.
               the week there was a joint meeting with some  Delivery of Annex 6 Part IV has been delayed,
               of the Working Groups from the Remotely  it is currently estimated at March 2021-2022.
               Piloted Aircraft  Systems Panel  (RPASP)  This is due to the reduction by ICAO to the
               concerning the Loss of the C2 (Command and  Panel.
               Control) link and the actions after a Detect and
               Avoid (DAA) maneuver. The President of the  IFALPA participated in WG 5 and assisted in
               Air Navigation Commission  (ANC), together  the  work  to  convert  the  existing Part  IV to
               with two Commissioners  attended  the  Annex 6 into the required format as requested
               meeting on the second day for an exchange  by the ICAO Secretariat  which is now
               of views on future work.                      broadly aligned with Annex 6 Part I.  IFALPA
                                                             influenced discussion mainly surrounded the
               The Panel further discussed items such as the  requirement  for  detect  and  avoid  capability
               ATS Planning Manual, SID/STAR phraseology  and lost C2 link. The next meeting will be 16-
               implementation,  ATFM  (Air  Traffic  Flow  20 March 2020.
               Management),  Global Aeronautical Distress
               & Safety System  (GADSS), responses to  ICAO ATMRPP WG/38
               unauthorized  UAS  activity, and ADS-B  The Air Traffic Management Requirements and
               implementation in the United States.          Performance  Panel (ATMRPP) mainly works
                                                             on the development and implementation of
               The Panel received presentations on Remote  Flight & Flow Information for a Collaborative
               Tower implementation in several countries.    Environment (FF-ICE) to facilitate (4D)
                                                             Trajectory  Based Operation  (TBO).  This
               IFALPA introduced a Working Paper related to  is  supposed  to  enable  aircraft  flying  as
               redundancy in operations related to Remote  near  as possible to  their  desired  trajectory
               Tower  Centers  and  provided  information  by  constantly  negotiating  routes  before
               related  to  SID/STAR phraseology  and  departure  (Release I)  and  with  live updates
               procedure design.                             during  flight  (Release  II).  A  key  enabler  is
                                                             information sharing of all stakeholders via
               ICAO REMOTELY PILOTED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS  System Wide Information Management
               (RPASP)                                       (SWIM), more specifically a tool called Flight
               RPASP/15  was  held  the  same week.  In  Information Exchange  Model (FIXM). FF-ICE
               addition to the joint meeting with ATMOPSP,  Release I (FF-ICE/R1) consequently includes
               work  continued  in developing Standards  a new flight planning system, which will co-
               and  Recommended Practices  (SARPs) and  exist with the present FPL2012 system during
               guidance material for the integration of      a transition phase.
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