Page 29 - InterPilot 2020 Issue 1
P. 29

IFALPA.ORG                                                                                          PAGE 29

        to encourage women to thrive and seek promotion.       Not enough Female Pilots further their careers and
        It has been demonstrated that a diverse team is        become Captains, and even fewer join the training
        a  more  effective  one,  so  there  are  benefits  for   departments, or leadership roles in general.
        airlines to encourage women to progress. We also
        believe that positive and visible role models of all   How did you get involved in the FPWG and how
        ages and genders should be promoted  and  are          does global pilot solidarity play out in the context
        important to demonstrate to younger generations        of female pilots?
        that aviation is a career possibility regardless of
        your gender.                                           In the UK, BALPA advertised the group to its’ female
                                                               members and after an initial application where we
        Do Female Pilots choose family life over  career       had  to demonstrate  our  passion for  highlighting
        progression? The answer is possibly, but ultimately    those  issues  which  most  affect  Female  Pilots,
        this should be an individual choice. We believe it     three of us were then chosen to represent the UK
        is time for airlines to become more family friendly    in the FPWG. It is great to have the support from
        and adapt their policies to enable family life as well   other Female Pilots and more importantly, we are
        as career  progression.  Returning  from maternity     finally  having  global  conversations  about  issues
        leave may expose vulnerabilities  if they are not      that affect Female Pilots, not just in the UK but all
        supported through appropriate training packages.       around the world. These include, gender diversity,
        Understandable loss of flying skills when having a     under  representation  in  training  roles  and  on
        family  should be realistically  addressed to allow    member associations, lack of mentoring, seniority
        pilots to re-skill on returning to work to prevent a   and pay equity. The IFALPA FPWG Position Paper
        spiral of performance versus confidence.               is  a  first  step  in  addressing  these  problems  and
                                                               with hard work and determination from the FPWG
        In your opinion, are there any links  between          members we will develop practical solutions and
        technical/safety  issues and  the  experience  of      hope to raise awareness globally.
        female pilot? How could improved conditions for
        female pilots affect safety culture and/or CRM?        How  do you think the Female Pilots’ Working
                                                               Group will influence IFALPA work and how will a
        Female Pilots are taught to deal with safety and       stronger  focus on female pilots help to enhance
        technical events just like any other Pilot and the     IFALPA’s mission.
        required competencies need to be demonstrated
        during  simulator  training  sessions  and  on line    The FPWG is a great initiative which IFALPA have
        checks – regardless of gender. In any industry that    organised  with the help of various member
        has a significant gender gap, as with the aviation     associations from all over the world. Its formation
        industry,  females often  feel pressure  to  prove     has been welcomed within the pilot community, by
        themselves more than their male colleagues and         both male and female pilots. We have experienced
        are inherently more visible and vulnerable to          a lot of support from BALPA, our pilot association
        criticism. Consequently, female pilots might apply     and from our colleagues.
        a more cautious approach in their operation.  In
        today’s world where Startle Effect Management is       We hope that the group will raise issues and find
        an important factor in a successful event outcome,     solutions that  improve  diversity,  collaboration
        a  more  cautious and  methodical  approach  to        and safety within the member countries. Open
        technical or safety events could be advantageous.      dialogue  that involves all parts  of a  community
                                                               promotes communication - a vital competency in
        Even though ability and competencies are often         our industry.
        high,  a theme has emerged  from  the  FPWG
        meetings on the topic of confidence, or should we      We would  like to  see our  working  group  initiate
        say lack of. This issue could stem from not having     regional working groups in order to reach out to
        enough female role models or mentors in senior         more of our fellow colleagues and to provide them
        training  roles within airlines who could support      with mentoring, support and career progression.
        and encourage Female Pilots to progress in their
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