Page 36 - InterPilot2019Issue2
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        see how the various threads had progressed and introduce  concepts  that  will likely evolve into proposals  at  future
        the GANP Portal where all aviation stakeholders will be able  meetings, and papers designed to provoke discussion on
        to find the most relevant information related to the GANP.  how the Panel operates.  The only major decision taken at
                                                              this meeting was to approve compromise  language  that
        A considerable amount of work has been achieved for this  can be used by states to require DG awareness training of
        new  edition  of  the  GANP  in  an  effort  to  try  and  explain  entities that don’t intend to handle DG.  This is an effort to
        the ASBUs and how to implement them.  It is a complex  reduce the amount undeclared DG entering air transport.
        task; this edition is a little easier to understand but there  The language was a major compromise since certain coun-
        still needs to be further work done for future editions to  tries have no legal ability to require DG training for entities
        simplify how to recognise what each State needs and how  that do not intend to ship DG.  This proposal will make it
        to achieve it.  The GANP Portal will continue to be devel-  easier for many countries to require all freight forwarders
        oped and it hoped that States will eventually be able to  to have an undeclared dangerous goods awareness train-
        pose questions concerning their needs and be pointed in  ing program.  At this meeting it was announced that ICAO
        the right direction as to what to do.                 will form the Safe Carriage of Goods Working Group (SC-
                                                              GWG)  to  address  various  multidisciplinary  issues  related
        It is likely that IFALPA will be asked to participate in the next  to the transportation of Dangerous goods.  It was recog-
        PPT for the next GANP.                                nized that many of the issues being discussed at the DGP
                                                              required  input from Airworthiness  and Flight Operations
        Air Traffic Management Requirements and Perfor-       Experts,  and  the  formation  of  the  SCGWG  would  greatly
        mance Panel (ATMRPP)                                  facilitate important safety discussions on these issues.
        There  is  now  progression  towards  the  first  stage  of  the
        Flight & Flow Information for a Collaborative Environment  Cargo Safety Sub Group (CSSG)
        (FF-ICE) project being implemented.  The aim of this meet-  The Cargo Safety Sub Group met in Montreal the following
        ing in March was to progress the development of the pro-  week to finalize guidance material to support a risk assess-
        visions for FF-ICE Release I.  There have been several table  ment requirement for airlines to conduct on the items they
        top exercises to test the validity of the release and they  carry in their cargo compartments with a special emphasis
        have highlighted several issues which will be worked  on  on ensuring the risk of fire is adequately addressed.  The
        in the coming months.  In developing the provisions and  CSSG  is  a  multidisciplinary  group,  and  participants  were
        guidance material several new terms will come into being  experts in airworthiness, flight operations, and dangerous
        and it will important to understand what these mean and  goods.
        how they will affect day to day operations.  Initially, there
        will be mixed mode operations which will need to incorpo-  The CSSG has been working on two documents, one is a
        rate both the 2012 Flight Plan and the FF-ICE flight plan.    risk assessment requirement and the other is guidance ma-
        That may prove very difficult initially.  It should be noted  terial on how to perform a risk assessment.  The goal of
        that the transition to FF-ICE and the associated benefits will  the guidance material is to help airlines conduct the risk
        need to be carefully explained to States and Industry for a  assessment and  regulators  oversee  the  risk assessment
        smooth transition to be safe.                         process.

        ICAO Global Reporting Format Symposium                Unmanned Aircraft Systems Advisory Group
        IFALPA participated Global Reporting Format - GRF Sym-  This is one of two  groups in ICAO that  explores drone
        posium  on 26-28 March. Key stakeholders together with  operation beyond the work of the RPAS Panel. While this
        about 30% of different national aviation authorities were  means it can only create guidance material, it is an impor-
        present  forming 300 professionals networking  actively  tant link between industry, regulators and ICAO.  A major
        throughout  the  symposium.  Speakers  and  panelists  con-  part of the meeting was to form two writing groups that
        centrated on the introduction of GRF and its implementa-  would analyse the results of Drone Enable 2 for publication
        tion in November 2020. The FAA gave good hints for the  in an appendix to the framework document, which sum-
        implementation using their own experience in TALPA ARC  marises the information received at Drone Enable 2. While
        implementation as an example. IFALPA - representing the  one  group  studied the  boundaries  between  Unmanned
        end users - called for willingness for the change and em-  aircraft system Traffic Management (UTM) and Air Traffic
        phasized the importance of training all stakeholders. After  Management (ATM), the other concentrated on essential
        each session there was a posibility for questions and ICAO  information and challenges in exchanging it.
        counted 218 questions. Even though time was limited to
        answer  all  question,  many  of  them  were  answered.  The  Drone  Enable  3  will  be  in  Montreal  12-14  November  to
        questions also form good grounds for structuring future  present best practices by the industry and regulators and
        programmes for future regional seminars which will start  highlight challenges. Tentatively, Days 1 and 3 will cover
        this summer.                                          topics of interest (e.g. Rules of the Air, Cybersecurity, In-
                                                              formation Management, applicable ICAO work, Operations
        Dangerous Goods Panel (DGP)                           above FL600, High Seas operation) while Day 2 is reserved
        The  ICAO  Dangerous  Goods  Panel  met  in  Montreal  1-5  for  topics  relating  to  the  request  for  information  (RFI).
        April. The panel discussed three types of papers; proposals  ICAO has also established a taskforce on UAS for humani-
         to modify the Technical Instructions (TIs), most of which  tarian purposes to produce guidance material for regula-
        were  highly  technical  in  nature,  papers  introducing             tors and operators. This may, in time, produce a template
                                                              for national regulations for open and specific operations.
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