Page 4 - InterPilot 2019 Issue 1
P. 4
President’s Message
Are you ready?
From the earliest days of flight, pilots
understood the importance of ade-
quate preparation. Many early avia-
tors lost their lives in accidents, and
our industry has suffered the terrible
cost of learning only through trag-
edy. In the decades since, airline pi-
lots have joined together to expand
our ability to fly more safely and ef-
ficiently. By sharing data and expe-
rience as members of IFALPA, pilots
have never been more prepared for
the challenges of flying in complex
airspace systems.
As airline pilots, we understand that
preparation forms the foundation
for the safety of a flight. Our prepa-
ration begins with making certain
we’re physically and mentally ready
to do our jobs—did we sleep enough
last night? Through career-long ed-
ucation and training, we also ensure
we know the latest information on
the air transportation system—how
can global surveillance technologies
such as ADS-B, ADS-C, and multilat-
eration be used in combination to
improve aviation safety, efficiency,
and capacity? Finally, pilots must
also be ready for the specific envi-
ronment in which we’re flying on
that day or night—how will current
weather affect the flight?
The mission of IFALPA is to promote
the highest level of aviation safety It’s clear that being in a constant
state of preparedness comes second
worldwide and to be the global nature to airline pilots. It’s a way of
advocate of the piloting profession; life for us, a commitment we make
providing representation, services, and as professionals and as part of our
support to both our members and the
aviation industry.