Page 22 - InterPilot 2019 Issue 1
P. 22


        Assessment and

        Reporting of Runway

        Surface Conditions

        ICAO Airport Operations Officer

        IFALPA Subject Matter Expert

        Runway  safety related  accidents,
        notably runway excursions, remain
        aviation’s number one safety risk cat-
        egory.  Among the top contributing
        factors  are  poor  braking  action  due
        to  contaminated  runways  combined
        with shortfalls in the accuracy  and
        timeliness  of runway  surface condi-
        tions. Consequently,  ICAO  has called
        for the widespread deployment of its   climates, when  timely decisions may  report  their  own  observations  confir-
        new methodology for assessing  and   be required. It comprises an evaluation  ing the RWYCC or provide an alert of
        reporting runway surface conditions.  of a runway through human observa-  changing conditions based upon their
                                            tion and a consequent assignment of  own experience of actual braking ac-
        This new methodology,  commonly     a Runway  Condition Code (RWYCC).  tion or directional control.
        known  as the  Global Reporting  For-  This code is complemented by a de-
        mat (GRF), will become applicable in   scription of the  surface  contaminant  The importance of training to ensure
        November 2020. The GRF targets the   based upon its type, depth, and cover-  a global and harmonized implementa-
        standardized reporting of runway sur-  age for each third of the runway. This  tion of this new methodology should
        face conditions on wet and contami-  evaluation should be performed  by  not be underestimated. To help ad-
        nated  runways,  the  impact  of  which   trained runway assessors.     dress this need, a joint ICAO/ACI sym-
        is then directly correlated with an air-                                posium  will be hosted in Montreal
        craft’s performance,  enabling a bet-  The outcome of the  evaluation and  26-28 March 2019. Event website and
        ter  flight  crew  prediction  of  take-off   associated RWYCC are then used to  registration at:
        and landing performance  as well as   complete a standard report called the
        an improved situation awareness. For   Runway Condition Report (RCR) which
        an in-depth review of GRF please see   is forwarded to air traffic services and  The principal objectives  of this  event  the  aeronautical  information services  will be to ensure international aware-
        view.                               for dissemination.                  ness and  knowledge  of  the  GRF, in-
                                                                                cluding the training required and re-
        The GRF is  intended to cover  con-  The  RWYCC,  correlated  with  perfor-  sources available. This symposium will
        ditions found  in  all climates and  it   mance data from aircraft manufactur-  be  followed-up by  regional  seminars
        provides a means for aerodrome op-  ers, provides a consistent means for  focussing on  local  stakeholders  and
        erators to rapidly and correctly assess   pilots to perform landing and take-off  regional particularities such as weath-
        runway  surface  conditions,  whether   performance  calculations for  wet  or  er conditions, airport  characteristics,
        they are exposed to wet runway con-  contaminated runways.              and  stakeholder  expectations. These
        ditions, snow, slush, ice, or frost. It is                              regional seminars  will take place be-
        designed to tackle rapidly  changing   Another important element of the GRF  tween March  2019 and November
        weather conditions such as those ex-  is a  process that  enables  a pilot to  2020.
        perienced during winter or in tropical
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