Page 8 - 2018-Issue3
P. 8

NEWS & NOTES                                                                                         PAGE 9

        News &

                                                                                                                               IFALPA Aircraft
        Notes                                                                                                                       Operation
                                                                                                                                   Design and

                                                                                                                                   Meeting in
        IFALPA MEETINGS & EVENTS                                                                                                 France 19-21

                                                                                                                               European Pilot
                                                                                                                                 Peer Support
                                                                                                                                  in Frankfurt,
              Chaired by SFO Nikolaus Braun  Environmental  Issues  and  Take-Off   nical  Officer,  attended  the  European         Germany
        (VC), the 2018 ADO Committee meet-  Performance,  whilst “Reduced  Crew  Pilot Peer Support Initiative Workshop           20-21 June.
        ing took place at ATR’s Headquarters  Operations” was added to the list of  in Frankfurt,  Germany,  20-21 June
        in Toulouse from 19-21 June. This was  Hot Topics.                      2018. The workshop focused on Air-
        the first ever IFALPA event hosted by     Four new Position Papers and  crew Peer Support programs and their
        ATR, and the Federation is extremely  one new Briefing Leaflet were finalized  implementation. The  keynotes  were
        grateful to Mr. Christopher McGregor,  on  Take-Off  Performance  Monitoring  delivered by experts representing pi-
        Flight Safety Officer and Head of Flight  Systems, Tailwind Operations, Cold  lot associations, airlines, regulators,
        Safety,  and  Captain  Jérôme  Pfeiffer,  Weather  Altimetry,  Electronic  Flight  peer  support  providers  and  mental
        Flight Safety Director, for inviting the  Bags, and  Non-Normal  Operations.  health organizations.
        ADO  Committee, sponsoring  all the  The Committee also gave operational      The Wildlife Hazard Mitigation
        lunches and dinners during  these 3  input on the Briefing Leaflet prepared  Expert  Group  (WHMEG)  met for  the
        days, and organizing an exclusive tour  by ATS Committee on Drone Sighting.  third time in the IATA Montreal of-
        of the Final Assembly Line (FAL).         Finally the Committee enter-  fices, the group continued to develop
              These  efforts  were  rewarded  tained presentations from Honeywell  content for the new edition of the Air-
        with a very good attendance  of 39  on Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS) and  port Services Manual, Wildlife Hazard
        delegates representing  16 Member  Combined Vision Systems (CVS), and  Management  (Doc  9137 Part  3).  The             ICAO Wildlife
        Associations  as well as Airbus, ATR,  from Airbus on the BLADE concept,  new  document  is expected  to  pro-                 Hazard
        Embraer, Honeywell, and the Associa-  the  A321neo  ACF and  the  A330neo  vide a better understanding of wildlife          Mitigation
        tion of Star Alliance Pilots (ASAP).  flight test programme.            hazard management for management
                                                  The 2019 ADO meeting will  and wildlife hazard control personnel.              Expert Group
              With such a large  audience  take place in Bangkok from 5-7 June,  A new chapter on training was devel-             in Montreal,
        and a packed agenda,  the allocated  at  the kind invitation of the Deputy  oped which included training for both         Canada 5-8
        three days were extremely busy. The  President and THAIPA.              management  and  dedicated  wildlife                     June.
        discussions  focused mainly on RPAS,      Gordon Margison, IFALPA Tech-  control personnel.
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