Page 6 - 2018-Issue3
P. 6

FITNESS TO FLY                                                                                       PAGE 7

                 Fitness to Fly

                 Notes on ICAO’s new Medical Guide for Pilots

                 BY DR. ANTTI TUORI

                 Vice-Chair, Medical, IFALPA Human Performance Committee

                         ICAO is publishing a new guide for pilots
                   on  how  to  maintain  your  fitness  to  fly.  It  has                                                                                                            Those who desire more detail will find that read-
                   been developed in collaboration with the Inter-                                                             “Knowing the risks will                          ing the entire guide provides a comprehensive look at
                   national  Federation  of  Air  Line  Pilots’ Associa-                                                                                                        all the major issues affecting fitness to fly. Each chapter
                   tions (IFALPA) and the International Air Transport        A healthy lifestyle helps to                      make it easier for pilots                        ends with a section on the relevance to aviation of the
                   Association (IATA).                                       ensure that professional                                                                           condition under consideration. Chapters are written for
                         Pilot careers are lasting much longer and           pilots pose a minimal risk to                     to focus on the right                            pilots, with pilot language, and are not judging, but give
                   pilots are retiring later than in the past. Annual        their safety and their fitness                                                                     proper guidance.
                   flying hours and work-related demands are con-            to fly from the beginning of                      preventive measures.”
                   stantly increasing. It is  crucial,  now more than        their careers until they retire.                                                                         The guide consists of eleven chapters:
                   ever, for professional pilots to maintain not only
                   their medical certificate, but also optimal physi-        This can be accomplished by:                                                                             1. Cardiovascular
                   cal and mental health both during and after their         •   MAINTAINING A HEALTHY                                                                                2. Mental Health and Wellbeing
                   flying career.                                               HEART                                                                                                 3. Alcohol and Drugs
                         ICAO’s  historic  approach  to  medical  fit-                                                                                                                4. Cancer
                   ness in licence holders has been based on de-             •   DEVELOPING MENTAL HEALTH                                                                             5. Musculoskeletal Injuries
                   tecting  increased  medical incapacitation  risk                                                                                                                   6. Nutrition and Weight management
                   (from ill  health) once it has occurred,  and by          •   ADOPTING A LOW RISK                                                                                  7. Sleep
                   taking action to reduce the impact on aviation               STRATEGY TOWARDS ALCOHOL                                                                              8. Travel Health
                   safety, such as restricting a licence or removing         •   AVOIDING ILLICIT DRUGS                                                                               9. Vision and Hearing
                   the licence holder from operations.                                                                                                                                10. Summary
                         This publication  focuses on  prevention            •   ADOPTING CANCER                                                                                      11. Annexes
                                                                                AVOIDANCE HABITS
                   by providing guidance to pilots on how to stay
                   healthy, thereby minimizing the need for inter-           •   MANAGING DIET AND WEIGHT                                                                             This guide has been developed to inform pilots of
                   ventions involving licence restrictions. Recent re-       •   MANAGING RISKS ASSOCIATED                                                                      the known risk factors concerning pilots´ medical certifi-
                   search in the science of preventive medicine has             WITH ACCIDENTAL INJURY                                                                          cation and personal wellbeing, and how to reduce them.
                   demonstrated  that  following appropriate  rec-                                                                                                              The earlier the risks are identified, the more effectively
                   ommendations on  health  maintenance  can  be             •   GETTING SUFFICIENT SLEEP                                                                       they can be addressed, and the better the results will be.
                   expected to significantly reduce the number of            •   UNDERSTANDING AND                                                                              Knowing these risks will make it easier for pilots to focus
                   medical problems experienced during a career.                REDUCING TRAVEL RELATED                                                                         on the right preventive measures.
                         This guide  recognizes  that  background               RISKS                                                                                                 This guide also reflects the shared responsibility
                   knowledge and interest in the subject of main-            •   PROTECTING THEIR HEARING                                                                       of pilots, operators, and authorities in keeping pilots fit.
                   taining  and  improving  health  varies consider-            AND VISION                                                                                      While pilots make their own personal decisions, opera-
                   ably from one individual to the next.  The guide                                                                                                             tors can facilitate  these decisions  and  authorities  can
                   is structured so that those who wish to simply                                                                                                               guide their national regulation in the right direction.
                   know how to avoid the main causes of ill-health                                                                                                                    IFALPA hopes our fellow pilots will find this guide
                   can read the summary at the end of the guide for                                                                                                             useful, and that it will enable them to fly healthier.
                   a quick overview.
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