Page 18 - 2017-Issue2
P. 18
Pilot Assistance
Around the Globe
Programs dedicated to assisting pilots Critical Incident Response Program. and triggers faced by pilots, to understand
experiencing problems in their professional Pilot Assistance Programs have what programs exist and what might be
and personal lives have successfully operated subsequently developed to address expanding needed, and to identify key elements and
in a number of countries for more than thirty areas of need for pilots, in both their benchmarks that could be used to establish a
years. Pilot Assistance Programs, often referred professional and personal lives. Over time, global network for Pilot Assistance amongst
to as Peer Support Programs, provide pilots these programs have grown to include pilot associations and independent bodies.
with access to trained peers who are able to substance abuse and dependence treatment The Workshop identified the main issues
support their colleagues through these programs (such as HIMS), pilot training addressed by Pilot Assistance Programs. They
challenges. assistance, and professional standards. The were grouped primarily as organizational and
Why do pilots require this type of support? programs enhance safety as they support the private. In this context, organizational issues
While pilots are highly trained professionals, overall well-being of the pilot, allowing them include: time pressure, working conditions,
they are not superheroes, nor are they the to continue to function as effective crew diversity, fear of loss of medical/license,
cowboys of the modern age. Their training members, even while facing personal job-related problems, training, company
prepares them to competently handle the vast challenges. policy, regulatory framework, mergers,
and varied technical issues and unexpected As pilots, operators and regulators from organizational and commercial pressure.
situations that can arise while operating an around the world become more familiar with Personal issues included: financial pressure,
aircraft. However, pilots are human beings, and the benefits that Pilot Assistance Programs accidents or death, family issues, psycho-social
humans are affected by unexpected events. It offer, the programs continue to improve. In pressure, societal changes, life-change and
was one such event, the Aloha Airlines Flight 2015, the Global Peer Support Workshop was moving. The consequences of inadequate
243 explosive decompression of 1988 that hosted by VC German ALPA in Frankfurt. It support were identified as pilot burn-out,
served as catalyst for the establishment of one brought together experts from around the substance abuse, depression, stress, anxiety,
of the first Pilot Assistance Programs: the world. The goal was to identify the main issues lack of trust and other psychological problems.
ISSUE 2 | 2017 InterPilot | The Safety and Technical Journal of IFALPA