Page 15 - 2016-Issue3
P. 15
In the Life of:
Felix Gottwald
A person’s journey in he smell of fresh strawberries fills the air try an approach in the storm? Do I accept a
becoming a pilot differs from Tinside the cockpit and cabin as we board certain MEL item? These are just a few
one to another. For the first our freighter aircraft. After eight days of challenges among many that I encounter on a
traveling through various countries, making a
regular basis. Cargo flying means there are no
“In the Life of” series, Captain stop here and there, we are finally heading passengers, but the pilot is working more
Felix Gottwald gives a sneak back home. While waiting for the last pallets of closely with the ground staff and also
peek into his life as a cargo fresh fruits to be loaded, I wonder what I am coordinating the handling process. Sometimes
pilot for Lufthansa and explains doing 10 000 miles away from home with a they need a little push towards the right
the reasons why he chose this colleague that I might not see again for a direction, and it is us pilots who have to
profession. couple of years. coordinate with ATC, the airline company, and
Before deciding to become a professional the personnel to make sure that everything
pilot, I wanted to be an air traffic controller. runs smoothly. Hundreds of people on the
However one day, while sitting in a little ground are working tirelessly to make this
Cessna with a friend who had a Private Pilot experience happen for me in the cockpit –
License (PPL), the idea of being on the ground transporting the goods they produce and
inside a room monitoring and controlling air fabricate from one place to another. It is thanks
traffic did not sound as appealing as being a to them that I have the privilege to be in the air
pilot. and do what I do – and love to do.
At that moment, I realized I wanted to be Hardly anyone is ever being trusted with so
the one up in the air, flying an airplane a much capital value as us pilots. It is a big
couple of thousand feet above the clouds, responsibility, and I take pride in doing my job
seeing the sun rise over the ocean, and the big properly. Meeting new people who share the
cities filled with people living their everyday same passion and mind-set, and who I can
lives below me. That is when I decided to instantly relate to, is something I very much
change gear and take the necessary steps to cherish. Yet, the best of all is the feeling I get
become a professional pilot. after completing a difficult approach by using
Every day and every flight is a challenge, the skills that I have acquired to safely bring an
and the decisions that I take make an immense aircraft onto the ground. It is utterly satisfying.
difference to all those involved. How much fuel At least for a moment, I can feel like a great
do I take? Shall I wait for the weather to pass or pilot hero!
InterPilot | The Safety and Technical Journal of IFALPA ISSue 3 | 2016