Page 8 - InterPilot Issue 1 2016
P. 8


         Update from North Atlantic

                                              the FMC LEGS page. ADS conformance   on the “half degree” Oceanic track. During the
               Capt. Mike hynes (RVP NAT)     monitoring identifies this error to ATC. A   trial  period,  inflight routing  onto the  “half
                         I ncreased  Automatic  number of aircraft types (examples from B767   degree” Oceanic track should not be accepted
                                              and B777 fleets were noted) suggest flight
                                                                                  unless the route can be uplinked to the FMC
                         Dependent Surveillance   crews to NOT enter SLOP immediately prior,   (i.e., avoid inflight manual entry of
                         (ADS) and Controller   or within close proximity, to a waypoint (not   thirteen-character half degree  latitude  and
                         Pilot  Data   Link   within 4 NM suggested). Flight crews should   longitude waypoints). More information can
                         C o mm unic a t io n s   review FM procedures or bulletins to be alert   be found in ICAO NAT OPS BULLETIN
                         (CPDLC) for flights   to this hazard.                    2015_03 – RLatSM Special Emphasis Items
                         within North Atlantic                                    effective 1 June 2015.
                         (NAT)      airspace  NAT Reduced LATeRAL SepARATioN
                         continues to reduce the   MiNiMA (RLATSM) TRiAL          AuToMATed RouTe coNfoRMANce
                         number  of   lateral  The NAT RLatSM trial was initiated in late   MoNiToRiNg
         deviations.  Automated  conformance  2015. During Phase  1  of the  RLatSM trial,   As advanced avionics become standard
         monitoring features of ADS, allow for the   lateral spacing will be reduced to as low as 25   equipment in more aircraft, IFALPA has
         identification of waypoint errors before an   NM between three “core” NAT tracks. If   encouraged the use of technology to mitigate
         aircraft deviates off course. In the most recent   successful, the use of RLatSM will expand to all   the potential for error. The RLatSM trials in
         three month reporting period (April – June   NAT Oceanic tracks in late 2016 (Phase 2) and   the NAT are a direct result of avionics
         2015), over one-half of all lateral errors (24)   ultimately to all NAT airspace in 2017. Future   advancements. NAT Air Navigation Service
         were identified by ADS prior to deviating off   plans (2018) anticipate further separation   Providers (ANSPs) will be implementing
         course. Unfortunately these preventions, along   reductions  to 15  NM, both laterally and   similar advances to perform conformance
         with multiple actual deviations of greater than   longitudinally.        checks on the actual routing being flown by
         15 NM, could have been minimized with   RLatSM requires the use of “half degree”   aircraft. This process will allow the NAT ANSP
         proper adherence to Oceanic waypoint   latitude waypoints (5130.0N 03000.0W).   to compare the cleared Oceanic flight planned
         verification procedures. A number of events   Previously, all latitude waypoints utilized   route with the actual routing in the Flight
         occurred when the flight crew received a   “whole” degrees (5100.0N 03000.0W). The   Management System (FMS). This process will
         CPDLC Oceanic clearance containing the   diagram below illustrates the potential hazard   be accomplished through use of the CPDLC
         notation “ROUTE AMENDMENT.” In many   in many navigation systems, as ALL of the   system. To assist this process it is important for
         cases the amended portion of the route was a   following waypoints:      pilots to be familiar with the CPDLC processes
         single Latitude/Longitude waypoint well down   N3000.0W05000.0                N3000.0W05030.0  at their airline and specific aircraft type.
         line from the Oceanic entry point not noticed   N3030.0W05000.0                N3030.0W05030.0  Controllers will send an automated message
         by the flight crew. A number of aircraft,   will display in an identical manner –   UM137 – CONFIRM ASSIGNED ROUTE.
         primarily operating routes between Europe   N30W050 – on the Navigation Display and   For proper automatic conformance processing
         and Latin/South America, experienced lateral   FMC LEGS page.            it will be important for pilots to avoid the use
         navigation deviations when operating in the   Flight crews must be extremely vigilante in   of a free text reply and utilize the aircraft
         vicinity of Oceanic fixes – GONAN, PASAS,   complying with Oceanic waypoint verification   response  message  DM40  –  ASSIGNED
         SEPAL, ETIKI, REGHI, BEDRA and SOMAX.   procedures. Expansion of the seven-character   ROUTE [route clearance]. The [route
            A significant amount of ATC coordination   FMC  waypoint  display  to  the  full   clearance] portion of the message is
         is required within this airspace. East/West                              automatically inserted by the aircraft avionics
         Oceanic flights are crossing with North/South                            – no manual entry of route information is
         flights operating between the U.K. and Spain/                            required. Avoidance of free text entries will
         Portugal/Canary Islands. The ATC on many                                 allow automated conformance verification of
         occasions must modify Oceanic clearances to                              routing to minimize the potential for Gross
         provide appropriate lateral spacing with this                            Navigation Errors.
         traffic Flight crews should closely review                                  While the NAT remains extremely safe, five
         CPDLC messages containing “ROUTE                                         Gross Navigation Errors of greater than 25 NM
         AMENDMENT” text to ensure proper FMC   thirteen-character  latitude and  longitude   occurred during the most recent 90-day
         waypoint entries. Some Flight Management   values will be required to verify the proper   reporting period. The importance of
         Systems may “delete or skip” a previously   Oceanic waypoint. Some FMC systems may   adherence to Oceanic procedures by all flight
         entered waypoint when flight crews execute   require multiple steps to display the full   crews is the key component of maintaining
         Strategic Lateral Offset Procedures (SLOP)   latitude and longitude coordinates.   NAT safety. Technology can help mitigate
         immediately prior, or within close proximity,   All operators equipped and approved for ADS,   errors, but proactive flight crew actions remain
         to a waypoint. The waypoint continues to   CPDLC and RNP 4 will be eligible for routing   the primary safeguard!
         display on the ND but no longer appears on
         Issue 1 | 2016                                                         InterPilot | The safety and Technical Journal of IFALPA
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