Page 7 - InterPilot Issue 1 2016
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Argentina, ASPA Mexico has reported some contracts talks with their airline. will be beneficial for the MAs in the region.
issues with problematic substance testing Bahamas continues to see a growing On October 13 , I attended a meeting of
within the regional airline. On a positive note, number of a commuter pilot community that is North American, Central American and
the Association has started a campaign to often paid per day and operates to non- Caribbean Directors General of Civil Aviation
change the proposals for Open Skies which has standard airports within the islands; an issue (DGCA) and the ICAO Council in Montego
to date been very successful. that has been brought up to Government level Bay, Jamaica. The purpose of the meeting was
ASPA Mexico continues to provide help with no resolution in sight. to inform the new Secretary General, Dr. Fang
and guidance to the pilots in Costa Rica who The Leeward Islands Air Line Pilots’ Liu, of the situation facing this ICAO region.
have recently reformed “Asociacion Association is also losing pilots as other MAs The new Secretary General and the ICAO
Costarricense de Pilotos Aviadores” (ACPA). in the CAR/East Region. The Association Council are very interested in receiving
continues to advocate for their rights against detailed information of the situation in all the
downsizing, which will impact twelve pilots ICAO regions.
Capt. borris Delancy (RVP CAR/East)
who will be downgraded to First Officers.
Sadly, Captain Delancy Furthermore, their simulator training, which
passed away on takes place in Bogota at 8,300 feet above sea
December 31 2015. level, makes it difficult to adjust to different
altitudes, resulting in health problems and
The CAR/East region often times the trainees fail the simulator
includes the following training. There is a program to improve the
countries: Antigua, airports in Cayman Islands which will take 20
Bahamas, Cayman years to complete.
Islands, Jamaica, During the IFALPA CAR/SAM Regional
Leeward Islands, meeting held in Buenos Aires, Argentina from
Suriname, and Trinidad December 1 to 3 , I pleaded on behalf of all
& Tobago. the Member Associations in the region for
On June 30 , Captain Brent Edwards from assistance to ensure the aviation industry
Bahamas ALPA attended the 13 CAR/SAM remain locally viable and not just for other
Regional Seminar highlighting “New Human countries to operate there.
Factors Trends in Aviation” in Mexico On September 23 , I chaired the Caribbean
organized by ASPA Mexico, ICAO and IATA. ALPA meeting which was held in Antigua and
The objective of the seminar was to introduce attended by pilots from the Bahamas, the
new tools and models for active monitoring of Leeward Islands and Trinidad. We updated and
the aircraft’s flight path, as well as proposals of informed all of our working conditions and
reasoning, or in other words, ways of recogniz- other areas of concern in our countries. Each
ing logical conclusions for handling abnormal Association was tasked to develop an activism Executive Vice President Caribbean
flight situations. The information from the program using the 2015 Global Pilots & South America (EVP CAR/SAM)
seminar was forwarded to all CAR/East Symposium guide to lobby their country’s
Member Associations. officials and advocate for their causes and Capt. Osvaldo Jodas Lopez Neto
The poor labour conditions in Jamaica have protection of pilot’s issues.
Captain Osvaldo Jodas Lopez Neto was elected
created an exodus of pilots, some having On September 24 , First Officers Darrow Executive Vice President (EVP) Caribbean &
served the airlines for more than 15 years. The Rolle and Ryan Moree attended the US ALPA South America (CAR/SAM) at the IFALPA 70 th
same issue can be seen in Trinidad and Media seminar held in Herndon, Virginia. The Annual Conference held in Madrid, Spain. He also
Tobago, since both MAs, Jamaican Airline purpose of the seminar was to equip serves as the Executive Director of the Brazilian
Pilots’ Association (JALPA) and Trinidad & professional pilots with the necessary tools to National Flight Crew Union, his home
Tobago Airline Pilots’ Association (TTALPA), develop a media campaign and deliver key Association. Captain Neto started his career in
operate under the same airline. While the messages from the Association to the general 1998 when he flew a turboprop as First Officer.
issues with labour conditions continue to public through different media outputs. This Since 2005, he flies B737 for GOL Airlines.
deteriorate for JALPA, TTALPA has signed a seminar, coupled with the IFALPA
memorandum of understanding to resume Negotiations Seminar coming up next year,
InterPilot | The Safety and Technical Journal of IFALPA ISSue 1 | 2016