Page 18 - InterPilot 2020 Issue 1
P. 18

News &



        The ATS Committee Meeting was held at the ICAO WACAF Regional Offices, Dakar, Senegal 19-21 November
        2019. IFALPA received a warm welcome from ICAO and were well hosted by the RVP AFI/West on behalf of
        the local Association (SPLS). SPLS provided very innovative gifts for each attendee; paintings done by a local
        teenager depicting aircraft, the IFALPA logo, and a unique form of Senegalese road transport, which were
        deeply appreciated. There were several new members attending for the first time.

        There were over 30 papers on the agenda covering reports from the ICAO Panel and Regional meetings
        attended by members of the Committee and developing positions and policy.

        The Draft IP on policy in Annex 11 for ADS-B was finalised and there was a detailed review of the Hot Topics
        and Projects resulting in some deletions and one addition of Remote Towers. The Vision Statement will be
        reviewed next year by ATS Chairperson and Vice Chairs to ensure the information remains current.

                                                                                                                                                             ATS Committee Meeting
   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23