Page 27 - InterPilot 2018, Issue 4
P. 27


 Founding MAs: VNV                                                    THe prIor KnowleDge of THe TesT pIloT

                                                                      The realisation that this definition did not match
                                                                      reality  developed  over  the  following years.  Of
 The Dutch Need More Time                                             course, it had served its  purpose when testing
                                                                      new airplanes. But herein lies the problem. Dur-
                                                                      ing the test phase for new airplanes, a rejected
                                                                      take-off is included in the programme. The test
                                                                      pilot knows in advance that he will close the gas
                                                                      and apply the brakes. His full attention will be
                                                                      focused on this. He closes the thrust levers and
                                                                      slows down the aircraft at exactly V1. When the
 VERENIGING NEDERLANDSE VERKEERSVLIEGERS                              aircraft stops at the very last centimetre of the
                                                                      runway, the test has been a success.

                                                                      we are noT as gooD
                                                                      Reality is different. That is why the definition of
 ince  we began                                                       V1 needed to change. In the Netherlands, Henk
 flying   aircraft,   The thrust levers are moved forward. The  not? What do you do? Stop or continue?  Bilderdijk, chair of the airworthiness commission
 the definition and   engines slowly start to spin-up and pro-        and later president of the VNV, took on the task
 calculation  of  V1   duce that wonderful,  distinctive sound.  THe olD MeTHoD  of researching this issue.
 shas been amend-  The airplane starts to move. The centre  As we fly with turbofans, we use V1 in the
 ed several  times.  This is   line moves beneath you. Slowly, fast, fast-  same way.  However,  the time we have   He approached his work with caution. The rea-
 mainly down to the coop-  er, fastest. V1 is approaching. The speed  gained  to  think  and  respond  is  different   sons to adjust V1 were not based on an incor-
 eration of the Dutch alpa   picks up.  When  we  delve  into  the  archives  of  the   rect decision made in the past, but the changing
 (VnV),  Ifalpa, and  ICao.   American Congress, the Federal Register   times made it apparent that something needed
 Thanks  to  the  efforts  of   Suddenly you notice something isn’t right.  of 1964 states the definition of the accel-  to be done. Or as he diplomatically put it, “It is
 these organisations  in the   You see something, hear something, feel  erate-stop distance that was applied in the   clear that we are not as good as they thought
 1970s,  pilots  have gained   something, or you experience all of these  early years of jet planes. It is defined like   we were.”
 more time to make an in-  things at once. You haven’t quite passed  an on-off switch. Accelerate up to V1, then
 formed decision.  V1. This is the point at which you need to  brake. V1 does not contain any time in it-  So, research began into an improved V1 in little
 make a decision. Is it a serious problem or  self. It is nothing.
                                                                      old Holland, with the full awareness that we were
                                                                      too small as a nation to determine new global
                                                                      legislation, but as a founding member, we had
                                                                      the support of IFALPA.

                                                                      Two eXTra seConDs
                                                                      Dutch research mainly focused on thinking and
                                                                      response time. In the calculation, a formula had
                                                                      to be found that  took account  of time to no-
                                                 From the National    tice, process, and respond to the problem. After
                                               Archives of the United   thorough research, which examined the effect of
                                              States, Federal Register,   startle and surprise on the pilot, engine failure
                                             V29, N250, Washington,   speed (Vef) was introduced. This was the point at
                                                 24 December 1964
                                                                      which V1 was first measured. Only two seconds
                                                                      after VEF, V1 is expected.

                                                                      In the interim seconds, it was assumed that the
                                                                      engine(s) continue to accelerate  at full power.
                                                                      Action was only taken at V1. That is why the cal-
                                                                      culations had to be amended. There was global
                                                                      agreement on this.

                                                                      TIMe To aCT
                                                                      However, action after V1 needs time and, as a
                                                                      result, distance. According  to the researchers,
                                                                      this also had to be considered. This was less un-
                                                                      derstood by the authorities. They found that two
                                                                      seconds were more than enough for everything.
                                                                      The Dutch researchers noted the differ-ence of
                                                                      opinion in their report.  The Dutch researchers
                                                                      needed  to  defend  their  position  and  found  an
                                                                      ally in IFALPA.
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